Every one is aware of Twitter, I hope. Well there are many, many plugins for your WordPress that you can use. So I am not going...
Many weblog sites these days have some form of an archive page. In WordPress it might be the built in auto generation of permalinks by: /Month/...
Today Matt Mullenweg from MA.TT declared today official plugin developer day because the plugin directory hit 4,000 plugins, check it out: 4,000 Plugins.
I recently went looking for a good audio player for WordPress. I came across WPAudioPlayer from 1 pixel out. The plugin is extremely simple to use...
Firefox is regarded as the best Web browser in terms of extensions. It has hundreds of add-ons, which can be downloaded from here. Pavel Ciorici collected...
Well, it was a long run, ok, only 24 hours when Mr. Seidel’s announced that he would pull the plug on further updates to the cforms...
If you are using the cforms II, you may want to head over to Mr. Seidel’s site for more info on the matter.
Most all WordPress theme’s use a a simple search form to search your site. But what it you wanted to search your whole site and not...
Ricardo Sousa, who writes for Smashing Magazine created a great plugin called Twittar. This plugin will use someones Twitter Gravatar if their email address is not...
The guys from Instinct whom released the E-Commerce Plugin have release a new plugin today. Dan Milward even went as far as to announce that this...
I just came across a interesting new plugin built on the wonderful jQuery library. It’s called Flip!, head on over and check out the cool demo!
Launching an eCommerce store takes way more than just having a website. It encapsulates a thorough consideration of various key elements before the launch of your...
You may notice on some of our posts a gallery of images. We are using the built in WordPress up-loader, and when there are a few...
I read an article at Quick Online Tips, about how to integrate the functions of WordPress 2.7, but keep the legacy 2.6.x or below.
As I have mentioned before, I am using the OIO Publisher Plugin, which you can see/use/purchase by clicking on the advertisement ad, or my advert page....
I just came across an article over at WPHacks.com about a “how to” shift and bring back posts hidden way in the archive. Seems really interesting,...
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