Gallery Plus
You may notice on some of our posts a gallery of images. We are using the built in WordPress up-loader, and when there are a few images we use the gallery insert button. But we are fans of jQuery and are using Thickbox.
As you know the basic gallery insert with attach the gallery images and link them to an image attachment page. Instead we installed the Gallery Plus plugin by Justin Hawkwood.
This plugin alone will add the ability under the Settings — options to add a “title” attribute in the <a>
link and a rel
attribute of “lightbox”.
Now I do have some site’s with lightbox installed, and I am a fan of the script, but I didn’t want to use the Scriptaculous script. And I do know that there is a Lightbox script based on jQuery.
Anyway… since I am using the Thickbox script on this site, the plugin needed a little tweaking:
There are two files contained in the download: gallery-plus.php & options.php
, both with need to be edited. Lets start with the options.php
update_option('gallery_plus_overlay', $_POST['gallery_plus_overlay']);
Add the 2nd line below, like this.
update_option('gallery_plus_overlay', $_POST['gallery_plus_overlay']);
update_option('gallery_plus_overlay2', $_POST['gallery_plus_overlay2']);
Next Find.
$gallery_plus_overlay = stripslashes(get_option('gallery_plus_overlay'));
Add the 2nd line below, like this.
$gallery_plus_overlay = stripslashes(get_option('gallery_plus_overlay'));
$gallery_plus_overlay2 = stripslashes(get_option('gallery_plus_overlay2'));
This is where it gets tricky. Find these next lines.
<tr valign="baseline">
<th scope="row"><?php _e('"rel" value in <a> tag:') ?></th>
<td><select name="gallery_plus_overlay">
<option value="none"<?php if ($gallery_plus_overlay == 'none') echo ' selected="selected"'; ?>>none</option>
<option value="lightbox"<?php if ($gallery_plus_overlay == 'lightbox') echo ' selected="selected"'; ?>>lightbox</option>
</select> Specify which, if any, javscript image overlay package to use. THIS PLUGIN DOES NOT INSTALL ANY OVERLAY PACKAGES.<br /><em>Note: Only applies when <strong>Link type</strong> is set to "image".</em>
And Add these lines above.
<tr valign="baseline">
<th scope="row"><?php _e('Insert "class=..." Attribute In Link:') ?></th>
<td><select name="gallery_plus_overlay2">
<option value="none"<?php if ($gallery_plus_overlay2 == 'none') echo ' selected="selected"'; ?>>NONE</option>
<option value="thickbox"<?php if ($gallery_plus_overlay2 == 'thickbox') echo ' selected="selected"'; ?>>thickbox</option>
</select> <em>Note: Only applies when <strong>Link Images To Full Resolution</strong> is on.</em>
It should look like this:
<tr valign="baseline">
<th scope="row"><?php _e('Insert "class=..." Attribute In Link:') ?></th>
<td><select name="gallery_plus_overlay2">
<option value="none"<?php if ($gallery_plus_overlay2 == 'none') echo ' selected="selected"'; ?>>NONE</option>
<option value="thickbox"<?php if ($gallery_plus_overlay2 == 'thickbox') echo ' selected="selected"'; ?>>thickbox</option>
</select> <em>Note: Only applies when <strong>Link Images To Full Resolution</strong> is on.</em>
<tr valign="baseline">
<th scope="row"><?php _e('"rel" value in <a> tag:') ?></th>
<td><select name="gallery_plus_overlay">
<option value="none"<?php if ($gallery_plus_overlay == 'none') echo ' selected="selected"'; ?>>none</option>
<option value="lightbox"<?php if ($gallery_plus_overlay == 'lightbox') echo ' selected="selected"'; ?>>lightbox</option>
</select> Specify which, if any, javscript image overlay package to use. THIS PLUGIN DOES NOT INSTALL ANY OVERLAY PACKAGES.<br /><em>Note: Only applies when <strong>Link type</strong> is set to "image".</em>
Now lets edit the gallery-plus.php
'overlay' => get_option('gallery_plus_overlay'),
Add the 2nd line below, like this.
'overlay' => get_option('gallery_plus_overlay'),
'overlay2' => get_option('gallery_plus_overlay2'),
Next Find.
<a href=\"$full_image_href[0]\"" . (($overlay != 'none') ? ' class="' . $overlay . '"' : '') . ($atagtitle ? " title=\"".trim(htmlspecialchars($attachment->post_title, ENT_QUOTES ))."\"" : '') . "><img src=\"$thumbnail_link[0]\" title=\"".trim(htmlspecialchars($attachment->post_title, ENT_QUOTES ))."\" alt=\"".trim(htmlspecialchars($attachment->post_excerpt, ENT_QUOTES))."\" width=\"$thumbnail_link[1]\" height=\"$thumbnail_link[2]\" class=\"attachment-thumbnail\" /></a></{$icontag}>";
And change the $overlay to $overlay2, like this.
<a href=\"$full_image_href[0]\"" . (($overlay2 != 'none') ? ' class="' . $overlay2 . '"' : '') . ($atagtitle ? " title=\"".trim(htmlspecialchars($attachment->post_title, ENT_QUOTES ))."\"" : '') . "><img src=\"$thumbnail_link[0]\" title=\"".trim(htmlspecialchars($attachment->post_title, ENT_QUOTES ))."\" alt=\"".trim(htmlspecialchars($attachment->post_excerpt, ENT_QUOTES))."\" width=\"$thumbnail_link[1]\" height=\"$thumbnail_link[2]\" class=\"attachment-thumbnail\" /></a>
note: I know that this is really just riding the plugin of the lightbox script and telling it to use the thickbox only script, but till it’s added in, this is the way I went about it.
Plugin Review: WP Greet Box
Yesterday I found and downloaded the WP Greet Box plugin from Omni Noggin. This plugin could be a very useful tool and keeping visitors from various sites, asking them to subscribe to your RSS feed.
A great feature of this plugin is the ability to allow or disallow a user to remove the banner if they so choose to. Another great example is the different icons and text that show up from where the user come from. For example if this post was to get tweeted by yourself or any reader, and one of your followers clicked on the link, a Twitter icon and the associated text would show up on the post.
So far I am really liking this plugin! I have only had it one day, and haven’t played or tweaked with the options. But, you can add in your own icon’s and text from what ever referral site you like that may not be included in the plugin default. That’s cool!
I am going to have to give this plugin a rating of 5 stars. If you liked this post and you’ve download the plugin, please tweet it & head to and vote for this plugin.
Tested: Twitip ID Plugin
There is a really neat plugin named Twitip-ID for WordPress. As you can see, if you have commented on this site I was using this plugin.
While it is still in beta testing I feel that it is a really nice plugin, plus it will automatically put the required field into your comments template without any editing. I choice to to manually input the field for custom css and styling.
This plugin is really awesome and allows for other to employ their Twitter ID for other to follow them, giving a little more incentive for people to comment:).
But I have been having a little problem. The Twitter ID’s are generated and stored into the post’s meta as a custom field. Im not sure if I am the only one affectied by this, but as time passed the custom fields generated by commentators started to take over the drop box, and wouldn’t allow the regular custom fields I use to show.
Another think i would like to touch base on is the fact that even if a comment got cought and filtered through Akismet, the custom field of some spammy email address and aa value close to SncSJHfd6sNSs was still generated and stored in the Database of the post..
So from my perspective, I am going to deactivate this plugin at this time and hope the the next releases with touch base on some of these issues.
Following a message I posted on the WP Twitip ID forum, Andy Bailey replied:
I am working on an update to the twitip plugin. at the moment it is only at beta stage and I have a few things I want to add or change for a proper release. I will get on it as soon as I can!
Beyond Twitter: Tweetsuite & Tweetbacks
Every one is aware of Twitter, I hope. Well there are many, many plugins for your WordPress that you can use. So I am not going to be like every one else and write a post with 3o twitter plugins for WordPress. I am just going to talk about one special plugin that is hitting the WP community.
Tweet Suite: a Twitter-WordPress integration plugin that includes the following features:
- Server-side (no-JS or remote calls) TweetBacks
- ReTweet-This buttons for each TweetBack
- A digg-like Tweet-This Button
- Automatic Tweeting of new posts
- A Most-Tweeted Widget
- A Recently-Tweeted Widget
- A My-Last-Tweets Widget
- A My-Favorite-Tweets Widget
You can see it in action at JeanaSays. I may even use this plugin on this site!!
Known Issues:
Seems as though this plugin is not compatible with this Google Analytics plugin. *Thanks to Shayne Sanderson for pointing this out.
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