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WordPress Audio Player Plugin



I recently went looking for a good audio player for WordPress. I came across WPAudioPlayer from 1 pixel out.

The plugin is extremely simple to use and has a really awesome automatic color detention tool which will match to your site with ease. For more info visit the demo page at

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Beyond Twitter: Tweetsuite & Tweetbacks



Every one is aware of Twitter, I hope. Well there are many, many plugins for your WordPress that you can use. So I am not going to be like every one else and write a post with 3o twitter plugins for WordPress. I am just going to talk about one special plugin that is hitting the WP community.

Tweet Suite: a Twitter-WordPress integration plugin that includes the following features:

  • Server-side (no-JS or remote calls) TweetBacks
  • ReTweet-This buttons for each TweetBack
  • A digg-like Tweet-This Button
  • Automatic Tweeting of new posts
  • A Most-Tweeted Widget
  • A Recently-Tweeted Widget
  • A My-Last-Tweets Widget
  • A My-Favorite-Tweets Widget

You can see it in action at JeanaSays. I may even use this plugin on this site!!

Known Issues:

Seems as though this plugin is not compatible with this Google Analytics plugin. *Thanks to Shayne Sanderson for pointing this out.

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How to: Creating an Archive page



Many weblog sites these days have some form of an archive page. In WordPress it might be the built in auto generation of permalinks by: /Month/ and /date/.

But in some blog’s, for instance this one here (as I said in a previous post) you can’t get the post to paginate or link to if you have nice permalinks active or

By any means, In this theme I have to have an archive link at the bottom. So..

Archive WordPress Plugins

There are many plugins which allows you to automatically create an archive page. The good thing is that you’ll (almost) have nothing to do, and the bad thing is that you may not be able to customize your archives much.

On this blog I have decided to use Clean Archives Reloaded by Viper007Bond. Which you can now see active in my Archive’s page.

If you want to use a plugin, here is a small list:

And of coarse you can always.. it your self!

First you would have to create a template file by writing this:

Template Name: Archive page

//please add you necessary code here
//ie. your hooks and html code ?>

<ol id="archive">
<?php $paged = (get_query_var('paged')) ? get_query_var('paged') : 1;
    'showposts' => 100,
    'offset' => 10,
    'order' =>'DES',
    'paged' => $paged,
    $wp_query->is_archive = true; $wp_query->is_home = false;

    if( have_posts() ) : while( have_posts() ) : the_post(); ?>

    <li><a href="<?php the_permalink() ?>"><?php $tit = the_title('','',FALSE); echo substr($tit, 0, 25); ?>...</a> - Posted on <?php the_time('j F Y') ?> - Comments (<?php echo $post->comment_count ?>)</li>

<?php endwhile; endif; ?>


You may notice this code: <?php $tit = the_title('','',FALSE); echo substr($tit, 0, 25); ?> from a previous post!

Once saved and pasted it to your archives.php or template-archives.php file, upload it on your wp-content/themes/yourtheme/ directory.

Then, in WordPress dashboard, create a new page, name it “Archives” (or whatever you want) and select Archive page as your page template.


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cforms II now GPL compliant



Well, it was a long run, ok, only 24 hours when Mr. Seidel’s announced that he would pull the plug on further updates to the cforms plugin.

But after consideration and many emails, he has released a update to a GPL compliant version of his plugin: 10.2.

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