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The Results of Project Icon



The Results of Project Icon 5

The Results of Project Icon 6The community has voted, and the votes have been tallied. The winner of Project Icon, with 35% of the votes, is Entry ID “BD,” otherwise known as Ben Dunkle. Congratulations, Ben! The runner-up was VS, otherwise known as Verena Segert, so we’ll be attaching that set to the alternate color palette that is selectable from the profile screen. As we prepare for RC1, Ben and Verena will be revising a couple of their icons so that both sets will use the same metaphors, creating the colored “on” states, and creating the larger size of each icon for use in the h2 screen headers. We are very grateful to have had the opportunity to select from so many great options, and would like to express again our appreciation for all the designers who participated in the contest. Thanks also to the more than 3700 people who completed the voting survey and took the time to weigh on on the individual icon sets.

Q.18 Which one of the sets do you think we should use as a basis for the 2.7 icons?
Icon Set # of votes % of votes
BD 1285 35%
VS 1080 29%
GB2 424 11%
OSD 376 10%
LS 300 8%
GB1 235 6%

The wide lead of BD and VS made it clear that voters had a clear preference for these sets.

Q.20 If you could choose a runner-up, which would you choose?
Icon Set # of votes % of votes
VS 916 27%
BD 647 19%
LS 522 16%
OSD 488 14%
GB2 462 14%
GB1 331 10%

Question 20 was not mandatory, so a few hundred people skipped it, but the responses we did get (3366 of them) reinforced the fact that the two most popular sets were also the most popular 2nd choices, which made the decision of the judges to go with the popular vote an easy one (take that, electoral college!).

A few of the individual icon metaphors also had a significant lead over the other choices.
Dashboard: 1333 voters (40%) chose a house as the best metaphor. We agree, so both Ben and Verena will be replacing their Dashboard icons.

Media: 2097 voters (65%) chose the combination camera + musical note icon, which was part of Ben’s set. We also really loved it, and Verena will amend her media icon to incorporate this idea.

Plugins: 1682 voters (53%) selected the outlet plug metaphor, which both Ben and Verena used in their sets.

Tools: 1581 voters (49%) liked the combination of two tools better than anything else, so Ben and Verena will try this approach.

So those are the results, and soon you’ll see the new icons coming to a 2.7 installation near you.

Need another look at the entries to remember which one you liked best? Here are some reminder images, as well as the identity of each set’s creator.

Winning icon set by Ben DunkleBD was Ben Dunkle, a designer, professor and artist from upstate/western New York State. In case you’ve already forgotten, Ben’s icon set is the winner of Project Icon and will become the default icon set after a few minor changes. Verena Segert's blu iconsVS was Verena Segert, our runner-up, a designer from Germany who presented sets in both grayscale and blue. Her blue icons received more specific voter comments than the gray ones, so we’re planning the second color palette to be in shades of blue so that we can use the blue icon set.
Guillaume Berry's 1st setGuillaume Berry's 2nd setGB was Guillaume Berry, a designer from France who submitted two sets in the same style in order to propose a couple of different metaphors. One of his sets came in third while the other came in last, but whether you only look at the higher scoring set or you combine their votes, Guillaume had the next highest percentage of votes, and many people liked the metaphors he used for various icons. In fact, given the enthusiasm of the community for Guillaume’s icons, we think a great plugin would be one that would allow the user to upload the icon set of their choice. Any volunteers?
Menu icons by Open Source Design ClassOSD was the Open Source Design class at Parson’s in New york City, taught by Mushon Zer-Aviv and consisting of students Alexandra Zsigmond, Ed Nacional, Karen Messing, Khurram Bajwa, Leonie Leibenfrost. Teacher and students worked together to determine their metaphors and visual style. Luke Smith's menu iconsLS was Luke Smith, a designer from Iowa who specializes in icons among his other design pursuits.

If you need to hire an icon designer any time soon, we highly recommend our Project Icon contestants, who all delivered great work in a very short timeframe. It was great to work with all of them, even for such a short assignment.

So, to sum up:

  1. The winning icon sets by Ben Dunkle and Verena Segert will be incorporated into WordPress 2.7 RC1.
  2. Someone should write a plugin that would allow anyone to upload a custom icon set (I bet the other contestants could be convinced to release their icon sets for such a purpose).
  3. 2.7 is still trucking away, but we can always use help with patches, especially for IE6! (I know, that wasn’t in the main post, but it’s true, so hmph)

Thanks again to everyone who participated in this experiment, and we hope you enjoyed it as much as we did. And congratulations again to Ben and Verena!


WP Realtor



The Ultimate WordPress Real Estate theme with custom developed plugins, single and multiple agents, extensive listing features and personalized search.

Bel Air Theme

  • Beautiful, elegant themes
  • Five colors included: sea blue, red, navy blue, gold and black
  • Agent can publish picture with biography
  • Top-Level link to add property listing
  • Easily publish your home details (including bathrooms, bedrooms, images and lots more)
  • “No Custom Fields” to hassle with when posting property details and images
  • Images are auto thumb-nailed and display full-size with a cool pop-up slide-show
  • Featured properties rotate on home page with agent
  • Cool Property Search Options – includes drop downs and search box
  • Agents page to display biography and properties for sale
  • Payment Calculator
  • Ad Banner Management
  • 100+ hours into programming, designing and preparing these themes for you.

This is the info taken from the Plug and Press Bel Air Theme site.


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WordPress 2.6.5



WordPress 2.6.5 is immediately available and fixes one security problem and three bugs. We recommend everyone upgrade to this release.

The security issue is an XSS exploit discovered by Jeremias Reith that fortunately only affects IP-based virtual servers running on Apache 2.x. If you are interested only in the security fix, copy wp-includes/feed.php and wp-includes/version.php from the 2.6.5 release package.

2.6.5 contains three other small fixes in addition to the XSS fix. The first prevents accidentally saving post meta information to a revision. The second prevents XML-RPC from fetching incorrect post types. The third adds some user ID sanitization during bulk delete requests. For a list of changed files, consult the full changeset between 2.6.3 and 2.6.5.

Note that we are skipping version 2.6.4 and jumping from 2.6.3 to 2.6.5 to avoid confusion with a fake 2.6.4 release that made the rounds. There is not and never will be a version 2.6.4.

Get WordPress 2.6.5.

check out the story at WordPress Development

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Comment Validation



Another plugin I am using on this site: Comment Validation by Jörn Zaefferer.

From Jörn’s site:

Why should you install it? Because you care for comments and want to help users reduce mistakes that hold them off from commenting at all.

Whats the technology used? jQuery and the jQuery Validation plugin with a few customizations to make it fit into the standard WordPress theme.

Is it compatible with other plugins? The plugin is tested with the Draw Comments plugin and works, though the performance is slightly degraded. Other plugins haven’t yet been tested.

Download WordPress-Comment-Validation-Plugin (zip)

And.. Test it out below, but then, do leave a true comment. 🙂

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