Well we’ve been presented with an late Hanukkah gift, but an early Christmas gift! WordPress 2.9 has been released today. Also announced a new default theme...
Well, were getting real close!
For those who are familiar with BuddyPress, it’s a plugin for WordPressμ only. But Scott has created a plugin that would allow for single user compatibility.
Start to think outside the box. UnBox is a new WordPress theme for the willing. Using jQuery in fluidity.
Announced already, WordPress 2.8.1 beta 1
WordPress version 2.8 RC 1!
The WordPress development blog has put a date on the release of 2.8, plus some notes.
For your information. The WordPress fonts are as follows: the old WP logo was Dante, the new one is Mrs. Eaves. You can also find the...
WordPress announced the release of 2.8 beta 2, download it or check out the changes since beta 1.
The community has voted, and the votes have been tallied. The winner of Project Icon, with 35% of the votes, is Entry ID “BD,” otherwise known...
For the longest time I remember checking out my WordPress stats via this Stats plugin and it always cut of my day at 4pm. This was...
Did you vote? I did. Did your vote win? Mine didn’t 🙁 Results.
Just announced by Matt himself, that they finally acquired wp.com from Yahoo. Head over to the WordPress.com blog, leave a comment for what you think they...
Here is a simple way to call query_posts with an array of options. For all options you my use visit: WordPress Codex. <?php $my_query = array('showposts'...
Wow, have you heard? WordPress has announced that the newest version, 2.8 which was thought to be held off till September has actually been a secret...
Well, I hope many of you have been using the WordPress plugin directory. It’s a grand location where you can find endless plugin for your WordPress...
I talked about the Twittar plugin in a previous post. But learned that the read me text file was only useful for installing the necessary php...
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