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SEO lowdown and making it work to your advantage.



SEO lowdown and making it work to your advantage. 3

The Internet offers users a wealth of information on virtually every topic imaginable, all within a few clicks of the keyboard. With such a vast amount of information on any given subject. How can you ensure that your article, photo, ad, or other information gets noticed instead of getting lost in the sea of information? The answer is to make use of Search Engine Optimization or SEO. Read on to learn about SEO and how it can bring visitors to your content, increase your web traffic, and possibly result in a new client, reader, or sale.

SEO lowdown and making it work to your advantage. 4
SEO lowdown and making it work to your advantage. 25

* What Is SEO Content?

So, what exactly is SEO content, and how can it work for you? SEO is a strategy used in Internet marketing that makes your particular piece stand out from the others and makes it visible in search engines. So that people who are searching for information can find you. Even if you have a top-notch million-dollar website, What good is it if you have no visitors?

Only when potential readers, clients, or customers can locate your page will you have the opportunity to sell or promote your offer. Search Engine Optimized (SEO) content will work for individuals and businesses alike because it allows you to be discovered. The higher you rank in search engine results, the better potential you have to attract those visitors, wrack up those page views, promote your event, or make those sales.

* Understanding Search Engines and How They Relate to SEO

To understand how SEO content works. It is, first, essential to understand a bit of how a search engine works. First, search engines have bots or spiders, like little workers scouring the web to find new and relevant sites/pages; this is called the crawl. Once crawled by these bots, the information will go through a rigorous set of algorithms that will decide if your site/page is worthy and beneficial to the search engine’s audience. Think of it as somewhat of an old-fashioned card catalog at a library before everything was available on the computer. It’s only much faster and much more accurate.

* Internet Bots and Crawling

What is the bot’s job? First, they scour the net for information, websites, photos, files, videos, etc. Then, the bots will put this gathered information into files (basically called indexing), which are then sorted depending on the search engine’s particular algorithm.

Bots will also check how often a page gets updated and how many linkbacks a page or site has; they will grade the quality of the links that link back and their relevance to your site/page. 

 * Search Engine Ranking and Retrieval- Where SEO Content Matters

This leads us to the final stage, where information is ranked and sorted in the database to be accessed and organized for rankings. The search engines will draw from this database and give you the highest-ranking results among billions of other pages/sites. This is why SEO matters because SEO helps you get discovered (or, as many say, SEO helps get you ranked at the top of the search engine results).

* Making Your Content Rank Higher In the Search Engine Results

There is no magic bullet that works for all types of content and search engines. However, these essential steps will work 99% of the time. 

In closing, this subject brings high-quality, relevant content. Update regularly and build links both internal and external, both outgoing and incoming. Make it clear and understandable for both the reader and the Spiders (research). Most sites do better as niche sites. This means staying in your lane and becoming an expert. Experts in any given niche receive love from Google and other search engines, making your SEO work more effortless in the future. (bonus: your competitors will link to you as well when they see you as an expert in your field.)

* Too Much SEO Is Known As Keyword Stuffing

Keywords and phrases are beneficial. However, don’t overuse keywords in your content, as this can backfire on you. When you overuse a keyword or phrase, this will hurt your SEO endeavor, making search engines consider your piece spam. This will keep you from being listed or being poorly ranked in the search engine results. This practice of overcompensating keywords/phrases is called keyword stuffing. It might have worked in the past, but it doesn’t work anymore. 

In short, if you feel you have used a word or phrase too much but it is still relevant to your story/article/content, try changing them for similar words/phrases. 

* Tips For Using SEO Content

Here are some great tips for using SEO content. First, use your keyword several times throughout the piece without overusing it. Places to include the keyword or phrase include the title, first paragraph, and last paragraph a few times throughout the main body of the page, in sub-headings, and in the meta-title. Second, try to keep your keyword density to a certain percentage, depending on how many words the page has. Typically, a 2% to 3% keyword density is considered a reasonable amount. However, some people may prefer a slightly larger percentage.

* Conclusion

SEO in content helps your page rank higher in the search results so that more people will find your page/offer. Making your content visible requires the proper use of keywords and keyword phrasing placed at strategic points throughout your content. 

In the end, the whole reason for taking your valuable time and creating content or posting some offering is to get the word out, to gain an audience, or to find new clients/customers. You need traffic for this, and the way to achieve this is through the correct use of SEO.


Add additional meta boxes to Hybrid Theme



At the time of writing this post I have Theme Hybrid as my parent theme, and am using a custom version of Hybrid News that Justin Tadlock offers to the public.

Well I want to tell you how you can add additional custom meta boxes to your child theme’s running the Hybrid Theme.

In your child function.php file just add the following to create a new post meta box:

* Add additional post meta boxes
* by WPCult
function wpcult_post_meta_boxes($meta_boxes) {
	$meta_boxes['image'] = array(
		'name' => 'image',
		'default' => '',
		'title' => __('Image:'),
		'type' => 'text',
		'show_description' => false,
		'description' => __('Please use a full size image, larger than 500px (this photo will dynamically re-size itself!'),
	return $meta_boxes;
add_filter('hybrid_post_meta_boxes', 'wpcult_post_meta_boxes');

This will create a custom meta box called Image, and will create a custom field with the id of image.

Additionally you can create this on pages as well by copy/paste and replacing “post_meta_box” with “page_meta_box” every where inside the function.

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Guest Post

What do Software as a Service (SaaS) Companies Do?

What do Software as a Service (SaaS) Companies Do?




What do Software as a Service SaaS Companies Do?
What do Software as a Service (SaaS) Companies Do?

A SaaS firm hosts an application and makes it accessible over the internet to clients. The term SaaS refers to software as a Service. This implies that the program is hosted on a SaaS company’s server and is accessed remotely by the user. A SaaS provider manages the servers, databases, and software that enable an application to be accessible through the internet – most often via web browsers. The program is accessible through nearly any device. Customers of SaaS applications often pay a subscription fee — sometimes monthly — to access the program. Certain subscriptions are priced according to the amount of data that must be saved, the number of users that will use the program, or the required degree of technical assistance. The following are a few of the things that the Saas company does.

1. Marketing

SaaS marketing is a subset of marketing focused on promoting and generating leads for SaaS solutions that are subscription-based. SaaS, often known as software as a Service, is a business model in which items are sold through cloud-based apps that get frequent upgrades and capability additions.

In contrast to firms that sell physical goods or require one-time payments, SaaS enterprises provide an intangible product. They must constantly demonstrate to existing and prospective consumers that their “rented” or subscription service is worth the monthly charge.

Any marketing plan’s foundation is made up of strategies and methods. In general, strategies refer to the overall approach to accomplishing goals and objectives (with defined, measurable targets), while tactics refer to the individual activities used to accomplish those goals.

Another critical point to convey when selling software as a Service (SaaS) is the ease with which updates and security fixes may be applied. Since the SaaS provider updates the software, there is no need to upgrade individual devices.

What do Software as a Service (SaaS) Companies Do?
What do Software as a Service (SaaS) Companies Do? 42

A critical conclusion for SaaS providers is that the hosted software industry is exceedingly competitive, making it more difficult for businesses to distinguish their offerings from the competition. By enlisting the assistance of an experienced technology public relations agency, providers may improve their marketing efforts and gain market distinction for software as a Service (SaaS) products.

2. Management of Customer Relationships

SaaS CRM is cloud-based software that provides permanent access to CRM features and support without installation and maintenance. A SaaS-based CRM increases customer transparency and enables firms to automate and customize marketing, sales, and customer care. You can get a SaaS CRM for almost any field of business, even private equity CRM.

SaaS is a subscription-based model with no substantial upfront expenses. To utilize CRM as a service, you pay a monthly or yearly membership cost.

This is one of the reasons why SaaS is preferred by smaller businesses and start-ups that may lack the financial resources to invest in a CRM system, even if it is deemed mission vital.

A few years ago, there was one concern associated with adopting a new software application: it would conflict with the way you worked daily, particularly with the applications you were used to.

As technology advances, customers of SaaS CRM applications may interact with currently available software and grow their CRM system in the same way that an onsite client would.

This implies that consumers may continue to use their existing software, like ERP systems or email clients, since these are often readily connected with the SaaS solution.

3. Management of projects

SaaS is an excellent model for delivering project management software since practically every form of the organization needs to manage projects successfully.

Regardless of the approach used, project planning and scheduling are critical components of project management. These project management tools provide easy access to the team’s prior work on the present project.

Given the amount of sensitive data stored in a project management software, superior security is non-negotiable. A reputable SaaS project management solution makes use of highly secure data centers and servers.

One advantage of cloud-based software is that, as annoying as it is, if your hard drive dies, all hell does not break loose. Log in with a different device, reset your password if your laptop is stolen, and you’re back in business.

Customer success, access to the newest goods, absorbing burdens, and minimizing payment barriers are all priorities for SaaS organizations. Since Salesforce coined the phrase “Software-as-a-Service” over two decades ago, the sector has seen rapid expansion and complexity.

4. Improve Security

Although a SaaS company can help with the security of your business on its end, your business needs to maintain high-security standards. Without both teams working together on keeping the business’s data secure, there will be problems. A SaaS company keeps your software updated and makes sure software patches are installed. The company keeps the business’s data very secure.

To do your part, the employees need to update passwords regularly. Your business needs rules in place for handling different types of data, for instance, classified data should never leave certain rooms, or be discussed around certain people. This relationship is like having a very safe car, but the driver needs to drive safely.

5. Free-Up Physical Space

When your business needs to expand to produce more products or hire more employees, having a SaaS company can help. You can get rid of your servers and the roles associated with managing servers and licensing software. A SaaS will take care of this through the cloud. Employees can change roles and still be productive within the organization.

An IT team troubleshooting problems is also a part of the SaaS company’s services. The IT team you have now could be retrained and put into the production part of your business. Training is also a very big part of a SaaS company; it will ensure your business’s team members are up-to-speed on the software the company offers.

Final Thoughts

A SaaS company will not take over responsibilities quickly, these changes take time. The company will need to assess and evaluate your needs, and you will need to make choices on how you move forward. Over time you will see the amazing benefits a SaaS company can bring to your business.

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Tips & Tricks

Sick of images being to large for the content area?



Have you ever uploaded an image that might have been a tad bigger than the width of your content area? I know I have! So here is a little CSS fix to handle these situations.

Resize those large images using CSS

Resize those large images using CSS

.post img {
	max-width: 600px;
	height: auto;

That’s it, really simple huh. Just make sure that you change the .post to the correct body class(which starts with a “.“) or body ID(which starts with a “#“).

Would you like a quick explanation?
The CSS is just telling any image inside the class of .post to not be more than 600px wide. By the way make sure you change it to fit the dimension of your content width. And the height attribute is set to auto to automatically change the height to match the new width. 🙂

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