Using the swekey on your blog
If you’ve downloaded the Swekey plugin and plan on using it for users to login here is what you might see.
The first image here shows what a user might see if and when you’ve got “allow registers” and said user has a Swekey plugged into there computer while registering to your site. I registered on a test blog I use, once I typed in my user name and email this pop up is what I saw. I checked ok, and another message stated that my swekey was now attached to my profile.
When I went to my profile I saw the Authentication section, where I could check or uncheck to use my Swekey that’s attached to my profile. Essentially with this enabled, I’ll I would have to do to login to the administration panel was have the usb with me, and at any public computer can pop it in and type in the address with out remembering my user name or password.
So.. I did a little test and this is what I saw. While logged into the admin panel, I pulled the usb key out and in a few seconds the page sent me to a “attempting to log out” page, and was unable to access the site until I put the swekey back in.
Scheduled Post Shift
I just came across an article over at about a “how to” shift and bring back posts hidden way in the archive. Seems really interesting, cause I have a few blog sites myself and some of them like and Theses sites have been working hard for a long while and have built up a good 20 plus paginated archive of posts.
So I am going to try and download the plugin Scheduled Post Shift Plugin by Dagon Design.
Once I have a chance to review this plugin I will surely write about it. 🙂
Comment Validation
Another plugin I am using on this site: Comment Validation by Jörn Zaefferer.
From Jörn’s site:
Why should you install it? Because you care for comments and want to help users reduce mistakes that hold them off from commenting at all.
Whats the technology used? jQuery and the jQuery Validation plugin with a few customizations to make it fit into the standard WordPress theme.
Is it compatible with other plugins? The plugin is tested with the Draw Comments plugin and works, though the performance is slightly degraded. Other plugins haven’t yet been tested.
Download WordPress-Comment-Validation-Plugin (zip)
And.. Test it out below, but then, do leave a true comment. 🙂
Woopra Analytics
Woopra is the world’s most comprehensive, information rich, easy to use, real-time Web tracking and analysis application.
Features include:
- Live Tracking and Web Statistics
- A rich user interface and client monitoring application
- Real-time Analytics
- Manage Multiple Blogs and Websites
- Deep analytic and search capabilities
- Click-to-chat
- Visitor and member tagging
- Real-time notifications
- Easy Installation and Update Notification
I can’t say enough about this plugin! It beats the little pants off any other applet or javascript. Make sure you get your api key from Woopra then download the Woopra Plugin from WordPress and that’s it! You can even download a java application to your desktop and view the stats from your screen!
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