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In the yеar 2002, Mіcrоѕoft саmе uр wіth a whоlе new рlаtfоrm for developing арplicаtiоnѕ.



In the yеar 2002, Mіcrоѕoft саmе uр wіth a whоlе new рlаtfоrm for developing арplicаtiоnѕ. 11

In the yеar 2002, Mіcrоѕoft саmе uр wіth a whоlе new рlаtfоrm for developing арplicаtiоnѕ. 12

Busіnеsѕеs аnd orgаnіzatіоns аll аrоund the wоrld arе loоking fоr а ѕоlutiоn thаt wоuld prоvе their еxistence аnd еnable them to survіve іn thе cutthrоаt competitіvе markеt еither bу decreasing thеir сoѕtѕ оr inсrease thеir revenue. Hоwevеr, lоng gonе аre the dаys of slow, іneffіcient technolоgiеs thаt оthеrwіse had trоuble tо meet these goаls. In order to mаkе thе buѕіnеss prосеѕs mоrе еffісіеnt, it іs vitаl to сhооse the rіght technolоgу to devеloр intеlligеnt aррlications; an aрplicаtiоn thаt іs quick to deplоу аnd аt the sаme tіme рroveѕ tо be relіable, qualіtative and ѕcаlаble. Thе Mісrоsoft.Nеt Dеvelорment plаtform іѕ аn ideаl tеchnolоgу to cаter thіѕ nееd.

In the yеar 2002, Mіcrоѕoft саmе uр wіth a whоlе new рlаtfоrm for developing арplicаtiоnѕ. The рlаtfоrm waѕ built to overcome mаny of thе рroblеms that cоmmоnly аccustomed wіth арplіcаtіon development і.е. timе conѕuming dеveloрmеnt рrоcesѕ, laсk оf аbilіty tо chаngе applications quiсklу, hіgh соsts оf software оwnershiр, аnd quiсk and еаsy deplоуment. With Mіcrosоft .Nеt аpplіcаtion development platform, the solutіon to theѕe рrоblеmѕ can bе eaѕіly met.

Thе real bеnefіts оf .Nеt рlаtform сan bе understood by undеrѕtаndіng thе typеѕ of applications thаt can bе buіlt. Frоm misѕіon сritісаl aрpliсatіons to ѕіmрlе websites, Nеt platfоrm hаs аbіlіtу to crаft ѕоlutіоn for all. Somе of the applісаtіons thаt cаn bе dеvelореd usіng Mіcrosоft .Nеt platfоrm arе liѕtеd bеlоw:

  • Inventorу applісаtіons
  • Custom CRM (Custоmer Rеlationshiр Manаgemеnt)
  • Wаrehоuѕe / storehouse applіcаtions
  • Aссountіng аnd book-keeрing appliсatіons
  • Logіstіcѕ / value сhаin / ѕuрplу manаgеmеnt appliсatіons
  • Dynamіc websitеs
  • XML wеb ѕеrvісеѕ
  • Mobile Phоne applіcаtіоnѕ
  • Busineѕs Intеllіgence applications

Microsoft .Net dеvеlopmеnt platform consiѕts оf а dеvеlopment environmеnt that enables .Net developers to quickly аnd grаphicаlly buіld аn аррlісаtiоn. Furthermore, it alѕo соnѕіst of rе-uѕablе lіbrаrіеs, codeѕ, and componеnts that develoрers саn uѕe аgаіn and agаin, whiсh in turn еlіminаtеs the cumbersome taѕk оf rеwrіting thе sourcе. Thiѕ result in less timе to develoр an application and ultіmatеlу lesѕ coѕt of devеlopment, аnd thеrеfоrе will yiеld bettеr rеturn on іnveѕtmеnt fоr the orgаnizаtion that deploys such .Net applіcatіоn. Apart frоm thіs, sоmе оf the аdvantagеѕ of .Nеt platfоrm аrе аѕ followѕ:

  1. Relіаbilitу – .Net frаmework hаѕ рroved to bе vеry vigorous аnd relіаble for buѕinesses all аrоund thе wоrld. Evеr since itѕ launch 10 уеаrѕ аgо, it hаs been extеnѕively uѕed tо develoр thouѕands of арplісаtiоns, maу іt be lаrgе or sіmple applicatіon. All the buѕinesses uѕіng these.Net developed applіcatiоns testify thеir liаbilіty fоr thе same tо thе utmoѕt.
  2. Scаlаbility – busіneѕseѕ grоws very quісkly tоdау, іn terms of еxpаnsiоn. Nevertheless, Nеt application аlѕo hаs ability оf bеing eаsilу сhangеd bу the develoреrѕ and in ѕhоrt timе toо, whісh cаn effiсiеntly fоstеr thе grоwіng busіneѕs.
  3. Seсurіty – ѕеcurіty wаs one of the mоst vіtаl pоintѕ thаt wеrе kept іn mіnd while desіgning the .Net framеwork. Miсrosоft аntіcipated thе еxtenѕivе uѕе of .Net devеloрment іn rеgаrdѕ tо buѕinеsѕ applicаtіonѕ; hеncе creаted іtѕ own reinforced sеcuritу mесhanіsm, enѕuring seсure aрplіcаtion dеvеloрment.
Attached Images:

Rahul is the author of this article. He is experienced in .Net development for more than 3 years.

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Best Photo Editing Apps in Digital Marketing For E-commerce.

The article highlights the significance of quality photo editing for successful e-commerce, improving consumer engagement and driving sales. The author mentions various crucial editing techniques such as clipping path service, retouching and background removal. He reviews eight photo editing apps useful for e-commerce, including Photoshop Express, Pixlr, Crello, Canva, VSCO, Adobe Lightroom, and BeFunky discussing their features, pros, and cons.




Best Photo Editing Apps in Digital Marketing For E-commerce. 16

The best photo editing apps can turn an excellent photo into a piece of glorious art. Here’s my list of the 8 best photo editing apps for e-commerce.

When you’re an eCommerce company – whether you’re just starting or have been around for years – there’s nothing more vital than building your relationships with consumers. After all, they’re the lifeblood of your brand.

You may also like to read the 18 Photo Editing apps to try in 2024.

Do you edit every photo you use for digital marketing? Even if you snap photographs of the highest possible quality, you’ll still need to edit them to improve their overall appeal. However, if you don’t already, this is the perfect beginning moment. When used correctly, clipping path service with image editing software may help you generate photographs for your internet marketing that are more realistic.

Why Do You Need to Edit Your Photos?

More commerce is generated by photographs that have been edited. For instance, if you own a fashion company, you may increase your customer base by using eye-catching photographs to promote your products. E-commerce companies can submit appealing product photographs to their websites with the help of the best photo editing software for selling, which drives up sales and income. Additionally, you will need to modify your images for the following:

Photo Retouch

Best Photo Editing Apps in Digital Marketing For E-commerce. 17

The photographic industries of fashion, weddings, modeling, and product photography often use picture retouching. It makes the images look flawless by removing imperfections like pimples, spots, or blemishes. When a photograph is retouched, the photographer or marketer might enhance the model’s natural attractiveness to make them more appealing to potential customers. The use of digital cosmetics to improve the color and tone of the skin is one aspect of photo retouching and unwanted object detection for image background removal services. Retouching photos to make a model look appealing may require bleaching the model’s hair or eyebrows to change their natural color, clearing up their face, and whitening the model’s teeth, even making the model look slimmer and younger.

Background removal

Best Photo Editing Apps in Digital Marketing For E-commerce. 18

You should crop out any extraneous elements, such as people or objects, in the background of a photograph to draw greater attention to the image’s primary focus. You can keep the backdrop white, or you may select a different environment entirely. For example, most product photographs on e-commerce websites are devoid of backgrounds to make the images more attractive and reduce the amount of attention drawn away from the objects themselves. Removing the background is also known as the clipping path service. An illustration of this procedure is as follows:

No customers imply no profit, which eventually means no business for you. Improving this relationship requires effort, persistence, and a terrific marketing game.

Unfortunately, the former two are under your control; however, we can aid with the latter. Our suggestion? Start by downloading the correct picture editing applications.

These will offer you the polished, professional edge your audience will enjoy. Need a little advice here? Don’t worry. Here are seven of the most outstanding applications you can acquire for yourself today.

Photoshop Express

Best Photo Editing Apps in Digital Marketing For E-commerce. 19

Adobe Photoshop is most likely the world’s most renowned, influential, and well-known picture editing software. The disadvantage is that it is expensive and not the most intuitive thing ever. Here, Photoshop Express comes into play. Unlike its larger sibling, Express is user-friendly, straightforward, free, and paid!

It’s one of the most fantastic picture editing applications on the market, according to industry experts, and after using it for yourself, it’s simple to understand why. Best Features Photoshop Express may not have the same depth as the original, but it still has several valuable functions. Light and color balance adjustment, frame choices, word tools/text addition, and a variety of transformation tools are all available and operate with relative ease. There are also many excellent cropping choices, including presets for all major social media networks, making uploading faster than before.


Offers a free alternative

Simple to use

Numerous presets for picture effects and cropping.

Text layering is simple and beautiful.

You can quickly get an image masking service by using this app.


Can improve the retouching

More robust features require a membership.


Best Photo Editing Apps in Digital Marketing For E-commerce. 20

Pixlr is a picture editing software that influencers and eCommerce companies can use fast and while on the road. It is in the same category as Photoshop Express, which is another name for that program.

Also very similar to Express, it offers a great deal of versatility and a respectable degree of complexity for a mobile solution, but it does so without being overly complicated for people who have never edited anything.

They are very similar, but like everything else, different people will have different tastes. Get the latest version and find out what yours is by downloading it today.

Best Features

Pixlr includes all of the essential tools you want to create a great advertisement, post on social media, or anything similar. The application places a significant emphasis on effects, tweaks, filters, general retouching, and the inclusion of text, all of which perform admirably for the most part.

Its UI, as well as its quick fixes and tweaks, are both strong points. You only need to make a few taps before you’re all set to post. Straightforward and highly effective


The user interface is intuitive and easy for amateurs and seasoned pros; free and paid choices are available. Pre-made filters are excellent. The quality of photographs available for free use is surprisingly high. This app is beneficial for photo cut-out services and other services.


The number of available templates does not quite meet expectations—more Buggier than some other options available.


Best Photo Editing Apps in Digital Marketing For E-commerce. 21

You’ve been shortchanged if you haven’t been exposed to Crello until now. Crello is not just another picture editing software; it is an all-in-one content production platform for businesses with many valuable features.

The app stands apart in a crowded industry partly because it is a SaaS software, which makes it compatible with a wide variety of hardware.

It should be no surprise that thousands of users and eCommerce companies have come to vouch for it, given its fantastic design tools, unusual and animated alternatives, and devoted development staff.

Best Features

Crello has received overwhelmingly positive feedback as a result of the numerous animation capabilities and template options that it provides. The first of these is outstanding in its quality.

There is a template for everything, and all of them seem professional and beautifully done, providing more room for customization so that consistent branding can be achieved. What about the animated sequences?

They are arguably the feature that receives the most accolades since they are enjoyable, inventive, and not overly complex to figure out.


Animation and video features of the highest caliber.Lots of great, editable templates to choose from. Regular revisions are made to the content. Both the layouts and the stock pictures are of excellent quality.


The search feature might need some improvement. Not as friendly to users as some of our rival products. There have been reports of problems with the upload area from a few users.


Best Photo Editing Apps in Digital Marketing For E-commerce. 22

Canvas popularity has skyrocketed in recent years, and the primary reason for this is because it is so straightforward to use.

The app is easy to use and doesn’t take much time to learn, making it great for eCommerce firms that want to concentrate on selling their goods or providing their services rather than mastering the intricacies of a piece of editing software.

Canva, much like other applications of its like, is offered in both a free and a paid edition. As a result, it has everything from frames to filters, effects, and text, among other things, and it does so without an overly confusing user interface.

Best Features

The fact that Canva is both a picture editing software and a comprehensive graphic design tool is represented throughout the entirety of the program itself.

Its picture modification tab does its job, and it does it well. It has all of the typical brightness, contrast, and saturation sliders and options that change blur, x-process, and a few other things.

Canvas app connectivity and built-in stock pictures, both excellent quality and diverse, are the show’s real stars. There is a good chance that the first of them has all you require, but if not?

Pexels, Pixabay, YouTube, and even GIPHY are readily available through the app interface to meet any of your requirements for the inclusion of material.


Easy to use for everyone, regardless of prior knowledge, the front selection is very efficient in terms of cost. A substantial amount of included stock photographs


Templates aren’t as spectacular as in other apps. The free version may have some functional restrictions.


Best Photo Editing Apps in Digital Marketing For E-commerce. 23

The VSCO girl fad may be the first thing that springs to mind when you think of the app, but the app certainly deserves to be remembered for more than just one trend alone.

VSCO is a photographic application and a sharing platform that operates on a “creator-first” premise. As a result, the application is somewhat decent. It emphasizes creativity and simplicity, concentrating on making little corrections and modifications to produce the best-looking photographs possible without making them appear excessively manipulated. The editing solution is not entirely on par with programs such as Photoshop Crello, and others, but it has polished the fundamentals while maintaining a high level of aesthetic appeal.

Best Features

As said before, the VSCO app is not designed for the kind of dramatic alterations and content production that some of the others on the market are. Instead, the focus should be on the little particulars. If you can get those correct, the shot will turn out beautifully. Fortunately, the app has various options that can be utilized to assist in completing this task. However, X-skew and Y-skew are two of the most useful since they enable you to essentially extend the photo along each of its respective axes, modifying the angle at which the shot is seen. The camera controls are also quite convenient, and they will help you take superior photographs of your products, advertisements, or anything else you want to picture.


Even when they aren’t highly stylized, filters nonetheless have a significant impact and enable angle adjustments without the need for annoyance. In addition, they have advanced camera controls. The photo editing game is completely transformed with the addition of angle adjustment.


A solution that is a bit too easy to use as an all-in-one package for eCommerce and other types of enterprises. The premium version is required for the majority of filters. Other forms of commercial software make more sense from a monetary standpoint.

Adobe Lightroom

Best Photo Editing Apps in Digital Marketing For E-commerce. 24

Are you unfamiliar with this entry on the list? BeFunky is an all-encompassing editor, and graphic design solution developed to make it easier to create marketing campaigns.

Please pay attention to companies that sell their products online! The fonts, frames, and filters are given the prominence they deserve, and even in the free edition, there are many options to choose from. In addition, cropping, color, temporary adjustments, and overlays have not been neglected, which contributes to an editor in which you can have faith. Finally, because there are no advertisements, no watermarks, or other pointless distractions, you are free to focus entirely on what you do best without being interrupted.

Best Features

The user interface of BeFunky is, as was to be anticipated, straightforward and not excessively cluttered or complicated. This makes it possible for virtually anyone to take it up and utilize it to its maximum capacity without too much struggle. The software’s drag-and-drop editing, themed effects, and templates are the show’s real stars; the app’s user-friendliness is merely a bonus. An integrated stock photo choice from Pixabay, Pexels, or Unsplash is the icing on the cake for a photo editing program capable of various tasks.


Option for superior service that is both free and affordable includes collaborations with several image-sharing websites. The navigation is a breeze.


No layers or blend modes, Limited editing options, and Minimal graphic design elements like adding text elements 

This Guest Post has been provided by Robert Lewis

Best Photo Editing Apps in Digital Marketing For E-commerce. 25
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Write For Us – Guest Post

WPCult is a WordPress blog that accepts guest posts given they align with the mentioned guidelines. The post should be original, of at least 1000-1500 words, interesting, informative, and should contain one link in content and one author link. There should also be multimedia content for every 250-500 words. Prior approval, these articles will become WPCult’s property. Additionally, guest bloggers can also write for other websites like California Literary Review, W3i, Magnafi, Fully Net Worth, Flaxseed Oil Benefits, and Iquotatious.




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WPCult is a WordPress blog and I accept guest posts on this blog as long as the terms and conditions are followed. Rules listed below please read them carefully before sending an article also for anyone who wants to Write For Us on a regular basis click this link Write For Us.

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We also accept guest posts for the following websites as well.

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How to setup WooCommerce User Roles

WordPress and WooCommerce use user roles to regulate capabilities across a site. Roles include Super Administrator, Administrator, Contributor, Subscriber, Editor, Author, Customer, and Shop Manager, each with specific access and management capabilities. WooCommerce’s ‘Shop Manager’ and ‘Customer’ roles allow users to access important backend processes and view orders respectively, without full admin rights. Assigning and changing roles are Administrator privileges. Automation of role switching is possible using certain plugins, which can also notify users of role changes via email. User roles help maintain site integrity and optimize usage based on individual capabilities.




How to setup WooCommerce User Roles 40

WordPress defines user roles as the overall scope of user capabilities. In comparison, user permissions define the individual capabilities attributable to each role. WordPress uses the concept of roles to allow the site owner to control what its users can and cannot do on the site. 

Roles in WooCommerce are intended to control what your store admins and shoppers can access on your WordPress site. You can classify your customers using user roles in more advanced ways. It even allows certain users to view or buy specific products or offer special deals.

WordPress User Roles – What Are They?

Roles are groups of capabilities assigned to users. Users can be assigned roles in WordPress according to what jobs they need to perform, either site-related or administrative tasks.

In WordPress, you may want to define users differently depending on the level of access they should have. For example, users can create and manage profiles on your site and read your pages and posts.

Several user roles in WordPress help you manage access to your site by different users. WordPress, by default, offers the following functions:

  1. Super Administrator: A role capable of handling a WordPress user’s responsibilities, including network administrative features.
  2. Administrator: This user role grants the user full administration capabilities, administrative privilege
  3. Contributor: A role able to add content to a post but will not be allowed to publish it.
  4. Subscriber: This role can only access the site’s front end and manage their profiles.
  5. Editor: All content on your site can be published/edited by this role, even by other users
  6. Author: A role able to manage their posts and publish them.

WooCommerce User Roles

WooCommerce automatically adds two additional roles when it’s installed on your WordPress site – Shop Manager and Customer. It also gives the WordPress Administrators role other capabilities to manage WooCommerce settings and view WooCommerce reports.

What are the capabilities of WordPress and WooCommerce user roles?

User roles are assigned to certain WordPress users and consist of allowable actions. Capability is the ability of a user to perform one particular activity. The following is a quick overview of the capabilities of user roles on WordPress and WooCommerce.

Super Admin Role

There is only one super admin role in WordPress multi-site networks that oversee all sites within a network. He has all the capabilities for managing a multi-site WordPress network.

Administrator Role

The administrator controls the WordPress site. He/she controls the site’s content, theme, plugins, updates, and backend code. Admin is also allowed to modify the details of other users, including passwords. By default, WordPress assigns the administrator role to the user who creates the website. An Administrator is usually assigned to each website, perhaps more in larger businesses.

Contributor Role

A contributor is a user who can post and edit the content on your website. Contributors cannot publish posts; an administrator or editor can publish their content for them. Furthermore, they cannot upload images or other files to their pieces or change any site settings. Contributors are best for content creators who need more advanced monitoring than authors. However, users with Contributor roles can’t upload files.

Subscriber Role

Subscribers are the least powerful of the default roles. This role has only read access to your site. They can create and edit their password-protected accounts but can’t create posts or edit existing content.

Editor Role

Those with the Editor role on your site can edit or delete any posts submitted by other site users. Editors can also manage comment sections, tags, and categories. However, editors are only responsible for your site’s content; they cannot make any changes to your site beyond that.

Author Role

It is entirely up to Authors to control their content, including the ability to create, publish, edit, and delete their posts. This role will not have access to other people’s posts. Aside from adding files to their content, authors can also edit comments left on their posts. 

Customer Role

Users who register using the checkout or sign-up options on your site are defined as customers. Essentially, this role is equivalent to Subscriber, but it lets shoppers view past/current orders.

Shop Manager Role

Users can use this role to access important backend WooCommerce processes without being full Administrators. However, they will not be able to install or manage plugins or access other essential Administrator functions.

How to Assign and Change User Role

Maybe you are wondering how you can assign a role to a user. Administrators are the ones who can change user roles. A new WordPress site is automatically assigned this responsibility. It is up to him to decide on the role to assign to new users.

All registered users on your site are assigned the Subscriber role or the Customer role by default. On the other hand, you may need to give them additional permissions if you register store administrators or content creators on your site.

To enable the customization of user roles, there are several plugins on WordPress and WooCommerce that will customize. For example, use the WooCommerce user roles plugin to enhance user role management.

Start by installing and activating the WooCommerce user roles plugin from Now, here’s an overview of how it works.

Create Rules based on the conditions

With this plugin, you can automatically assign the user roles to new users and switch roles of existing users based on the conditions; when an individual purchases a specific product or orders a particular amount of products, they receive a role. This simplifies store administration.

You can create rules by simply Entering a new rule name and clicking on the Add New Rule button within Rules Settings.

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Assign Roles to New Users 

You can easily assign roles to the new users with product and cart-related conditions. For example, you can classify them among customers, contributors, or a relevant user group. This will encourage new users to stay connected to the store. You can select the option of Gain the Role and then choose the role the user is gaining.

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Automatically switch Roles to existing users. 

The plugin allows you to automate the task of switching users’ roles to reduce admin work. Based on the criteria, you can define the roles to change. For example, you can simply select the option of Switch the Role. Then From this Role field, set the role user is switching from and To this Role field, put the role user is switching.

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Set criteria for assigning and switching roles

You need to set criteria for automating user role switching and gaining. Typically, roles are assigned based on four conditions: the type of product, the category, the order amount, or the total amount spent.

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Set Duration for Rules and Roles

 Assign user roles or switch them by entering a starting and ending date to schedule rule implementations. After a specified number of days, role will also be reverted back once the set time expires.

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Exclude user roles from rules

Roles can be assigned to or switched between specific users. Selected roles will be exempt from the rules.

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User role-switch history

Users and admins can view role changes anytime with the WooCommerce role’s permission.

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Email Alerts:

A notification email is sent to both the user and the admin whenever a user role changes.

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Author Bio

Maryam Hayat is a professional digital marketer who is currently working for FMEAddons. Her passion is to help others use WordPress and WooCommerce in innovative ways. In addition, she likes to research and write about social media platforms, search engine optimization, and digital marketing trends.

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