Every one is aware of Twitter, I hope. Well there are many, many plugins for your WordPress that you can use. So I am not going...
Many weblog sites these days have some form of an archive page. In WordPress it might be the built in auto generation of permalinks by: /Month/...
I recently went looking for a good audio player for WordPress. I came across WPAudioPlayer from 1 pixel out. The plugin is extremely simple to use...
Well, it was a long run, ok, only 24 hours when Mr. Seidel’s announced that he would pull the plug on further updates to the cforms...
Most all WordPress theme’s use a a simple search form to search your site. But what it you wanted to search your whole site and not...
Ricardo Sousa, who writes for Smashing Magazine created a great plugin called Twittar. This plugin will use someones Twitter Gravatar if their email address is not...
The guys from Instinct whom released the E-Commerce Plugin have release a new plugin today. Dan Milward even went as far as to announce that this...
For those looking for a way to optimize your search results on your WordPress blog. You may want to check out the following plugin. Goolge Highlight...
You may notice on some of our posts a gallery of images. We are using the built in WordPress up-loader, and when there are a few...
I just came across an article over at WPHacks.com about a “how to” shift and bring back posts hidden way in the archive. Seems really interesting,...
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