Gallery Plus
You may notice on some of our posts a gallery of images. We are using the built in WordPress up-loader, and when there are a few images we use the gallery insert button. But we are fans of jQuery and are using Thickbox.
As you know the basic gallery insert with attach the gallery images and link them to an image attachment page. Instead we installed the Gallery Plus plugin by Justin Hawkwood.
This plugin alone will add the ability under the Settings — options to add a “title” attribute in the <a>
link and a rel
attribute of “lightbox”.
Now I do have some site’s with lightbox installed, and I am a fan of the script, but I didn’t want to use the Scriptaculous script. And I do know that there is a Lightbox script based on jQuery.
Anyway… since I am using the Thickbox script on this site, the plugin needed a little tweaking:
There are two files contained in the download: gallery-plus.php & options.php
, both with need to be edited. Lets start with the options.php
update_option('gallery_plus_overlay', $_POST['gallery_plus_overlay']);
Add the 2nd line below, like this.
update_option('gallery_plus_overlay', $_POST['gallery_plus_overlay']);
update_option('gallery_plus_overlay2', $_POST['gallery_plus_overlay2']);
Next Find.
$gallery_plus_overlay = stripslashes(get_option('gallery_plus_overlay'));
Add the 2nd line below, like this.
$gallery_plus_overlay = stripslashes(get_option('gallery_plus_overlay'));
$gallery_plus_overlay2 = stripslashes(get_option('gallery_plus_overlay2'));
This is where it gets tricky. Find these next lines.
<tr valign="baseline">
<th scope="row"><?php _e('"rel" value in <a> tag:') ?></th>
<td><select name="gallery_plus_overlay">
<option value="none"<?php if ($gallery_plus_overlay == 'none') echo ' selected="selected"'; ?>>none</option>
<option value="lightbox"<?php if ($gallery_plus_overlay == 'lightbox') echo ' selected="selected"'; ?>>lightbox</option>
</select> Specify which, if any, javscript image overlay package to use. THIS PLUGIN DOES NOT INSTALL ANY OVERLAY PACKAGES.<br /><em>Note: Only applies when <strong>Link type</strong> is set to "image".</em>
And Add these lines above.
<tr valign="baseline">
<th scope="row"><?php _e('Insert "class=..." Attribute In Link:') ?></th>
<td><select name="gallery_plus_overlay2">
<option value="none"<?php if ($gallery_plus_overlay2 == 'none') echo ' selected="selected"'; ?>>NONE</option>
<option value="thickbox"<?php if ($gallery_plus_overlay2 == 'thickbox') echo ' selected="selected"'; ?>>thickbox</option>
</select> <em>Note: Only applies when <strong>Link Images To Full Resolution</strong> is on.</em>
It should look like this:
<tr valign="baseline">
<th scope="row"><?php _e('Insert "class=..." Attribute In Link:') ?></th>
<td><select name="gallery_plus_overlay2">
<option value="none"<?php if ($gallery_plus_overlay2 == 'none') echo ' selected="selected"'; ?>>NONE</option>
<option value="thickbox"<?php if ($gallery_plus_overlay2 == 'thickbox') echo ' selected="selected"'; ?>>thickbox</option>
</select> <em>Note: Only applies when <strong>Link Images To Full Resolution</strong> is on.</em>
<tr valign="baseline">
<th scope="row"><?php _e('"rel" value in <a> tag:') ?></th>
<td><select name="gallery_plus_overlay">
<option value="none"<?php if ($gallery_plus_overlay == 'none') echo ' selected="selected"'; ?>>none</option>
<option value="lightbox"<?php if ($gallery_plus_overlay == 'lightbox') echo ' selected="selected"'; ?>>lightbox</option>
</select> Specify which, if any, javscript image overlay package to use. THIS PLUGIN DOES NOT INSTALL ANY OVERLAY PACKAGES.<br /><em>Note: Only applies when <strong>Link type</strong> is set to "image".</em>
Now lets edit the gallery-plus.php
'overlay' => get_option('gallery_plus_overlay'),
Add the 2nd line below, like this.
'overlay' => get_option('gallery_plus_overlay'),
'overlay2' => get_option('gallery_plus_overlay2'),
Next Find.
<a href=\"$full_image_href[0]\"" . (($overlay != 'none') ? ' class="' . $overlay . '"' : '') . ($atagtitle ? " title=\"".trim(htmlspecialchars($attachment->post_title, ENT_QUOTES ))."\"" : '') . "><img src=\"$thumbnail_link[0]\" title=\"".trim(htmlspecialchars($attachment->post_title, ENT_QUOTES ))."\" alt=\"".trim(htmlspecialchars($attachment->post_excerpt, ENT_QUOTES))."\" width=\"$thumbnail_link[1]\" height=\"$thumbnail_link[2]\" class=\"attachment-thumbnail\" /></a></{$icontag}>";
And change the $overlay to $overlay2, like this.
<a href=\"$full_image_href[0]\"" . (($overlay2 != 'none') ? ' class="' . $overlay2 . '"' : '') . ($atagtitle ? " title=\"".trim(htmlspecialchars($attachment->post_title, ENT_QUOTES ))."\"" : '') . "><img src=\"$thumbnail_link[0]\" title=\"".trim(htmlspecialchars($attachment->post_title, ENT_QUOTES ))."\" alt=\"".trim(htmlspecialchars($attachment->post_excerpt, ENT_QUOTES))."\" width=\"$thumbnail_link[1]\" height=\"$thumbnail_link[2]\" class=\"attachment-thumbnail\" /></a>
note: I know that this is really just riding the plugin of the lightbox script and telling it to use the thickbox only script, but till it’s added in, this is the way I went about it.
Comment Validation
Another plugin I am using on this site: Comment Validation by Jörn Zaefferer.
From Jörn’s site:
Why should you install it? Because you care for comments and want to help users reduce mistakes that hold them off from commenting at all.
Whats the technology used? jQuery and the jQuery Validation plugin with a few customizations to make it fit into the standard WordPress theme.
Is it compatible with other plugins? The plugin is tested with the Draw Comments plugin and works, though the performance is slightly degraded. Other plugins haven’t yet been tested.
Download WordPress-Comment-Validation-Plugin (zip)
And.. Test it out below, but then, do leave a true comment. 🙂
Woopra Analytics
Woopra is the world’s most comprehensive, information rich, easy to use, real-time Web tracking and analysis application.
Features include:
- Live Tracking and Web Statistics
- A rich user interface and client monitoring application
- Real-time Analytics
- Manage Multiple Blogs and Websites
- Deep analytic and search capabilities
- Click-to-chat
- Visitor and member tagging
- Real-time notifications
- Easy Installation and Update Notification
I can’t say enough about this plugin! It beats the little pants off any other applet or javascript. Make sure you get your api key from Woopra then download the Woopra Plugin from WordPress and that’s it! You can even download a java application to your desktop and view the stats from your screen!

WordPress has emerged as not only a leading blogging platform but also a content management system for many Web publishers. Now there is a simple plugin available that will turn your blog into a paid membership site.
The WP-Membership plugin allows publishers to collect membership fees for WordPress blogs via PayPal,, and YourPay, with additional payment gateways in development. Membership fees can be collected via recurring payments, with multiple subscirption levels, various subscription lengths and pricing options. Free and paid trial options are also available, as are page-by-page options so that certain content can be free while other, “premium” content can be fee-based.
WP-Membership is available for $35
- Responsive & Ajax
- Translatable
- 11 language files can be found in language directory inside the plugin. Files: Russian, German, Japanese, Spanish, French, Chinese, Portuguese, Italian, Turkish, Dutch, Swedish
- Payment Gateway
- a) Paypal [Express Checkout]
- b) Stripe [ Full synchronize with Stripe Plan ]
- c) Woocommerce Payment
- Mailchimp to store Email for new registrants
- Membership Type
- a) Free Account
- b) One time Payment
- c) Recurring Payment
- d) Free Trial
- e) Paid Trial
- e) Variable Payment Package
- 7 Pricing Tables
- 2 Signup styles
- My account
- User Setting
- User Social Profile
- User privacy setting
- User Change Password
- User All Post
- User Post: Custom Fields
- User Insert Post
- User Edit Post
- Subscription upgrade
- Subscription downgrade
- Subscription Cancel
- Coupon
- User Role creation by Package
- Overriding templates
- Page Redirect
- User Public Profile Page Redirect
- User My Account Page Redirect
- User Registration Page Redirect
- Page Setting
- Email Templates
- User Welcome Email template
- User Forget Password Email template
- User Order Email template
- Admin Order Email template
- 5 User Public Profile
- Payment History
- Report
- 3D Pic charts
- Line Chart
- User Public Profile Page Redirect:
- Hide Admin Bar
- And Lots of other settings..
- 2 type of User Directories
- Content Protection Setting
- WP User Setting Module for Admin
- Subscription Reminder Email Module
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