Most all WordPress theme’s use a a simple search form to search your site. But what it you wanted to search your whole site and not...
Ever wanted to display the title of a post somewhere but limit the amount of characters that are shown? For instance, this post has a very...
Hey, in case you are unaware, WordPress has launched a new site called Check out the full post at the blog. Or visit
When you are trying to market a product, the product or service is only as good as the potential clientele think it is. You need to...
Everything I have tried has led to nothing. And I have tried six way’s from Sunday to get my main posts to paginate. example one: <?php...
In the last post “Creating a custom widget” I showed you how to create a custom widget. Well in this post I will show you how...
Today let’s learn a simple quick trick on how to create a custom widget. For my example I will show you how I created my Showcase...
Here is a nifty trick for your comments.php template. If someone comes to your site and leaves a comment but doesn’t leave a url back to...
Ricardo Sousa, who writes for Smashing Magazine created a great plugin called Twittar. This plugin will use someones Twitter Gravatar if their email address is not...
The guys from Instinct whom released the E-Commerce Plugin have release a new plugin today. Dan Milward even went as far as to announce that this...
I was just sitting in the back listening to Shayne Sanderson from Insctinct, who talked about their e-commerce plugin and a new plugin that released today.....
I am not sure if this is from a pluigin error. But I suddenly have custom field names “atfemail_” and random letters and digits @ random...
HTTP stands for Hypertext Transfer Protocol, and it’s the foundation of the web we know today. It’s a set of rules that govern how web servers...
Here is a neat trick. Say you want to show a custom field in you post or in a certain categories post. There is a simple...
For those looking for a way to optimize your search results on your WordPress blog. You may want to check out the following plugin. Goolge Highlight...
This post discusses the importance of detecting and removing plagiarized content for credibility, originality, avoiding penalties, and academic competence. It suggests using a plagiarism checker while...
I talked about Disabling search engine on search pages in a previous post using the meta tag. Today lets go over the web bots Cached copy...
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