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New theme release: CULT[i]VATE

Doing theme modification and even custom template files has brought me to this point. Today I’ve created my first premium theme, and since I am a huge fan of Hybrid, I decided that a child theme would be an appropriate starting point.



So after some time playing with many options and idea’s I’ve finally released a premium theme. This theme, which I am calling CULT[i]VATE is a child theme.

Unfamiliar with child themes? You may want to check out this post Ian Stewart wrote.

CULT[i]VATE is a child theme of the Hybrid:

Hybrid is a user-friendly, search-engine optimized theme framework, featuring 14 custom page templates and 9 widget-ready areas, allowing you to create any type of site you want.

CULT[i]VATE includes four new widget-ready area’s and one custom accordion widget for one of the area’s. It also includes two front page templates.

This theme is for sale for $12.00 which you can purchase here. Looking for a demo?



The release of Galleria, a gallery child theme of Hybrid

As the WordPress community grows, so does the amount of available themes. Galleria is a gallery-style child theme for WordPress built on the Hybird theme framework. Originally, this theme was created by Chirs Wallace for the Thematic theme framework and released at Smashing Magazine.



So I am excited to announce another theme release from WPCult and Frosty Web Designs. A few days back, I came across this post at Smashing Magazine.

Just recently we asked you to let us know what theme you would like us to release next. Among numerous comments we found many request for a gallery-theme that could be particularly useful for portfolios and showcases. At the very same time Christopher Wallace has been designing an advanced gallery-WordPress-theme for the design community and Smashing Magazine’s audience. And today finally we are proud to release it – for free, of course.

Well, I liked this theme, and while I am a big fan of the Thematic theme, I know there are many out there who love Hybrid. Hybrid is Justin Tadlocks theme framework, which can be downloaded for free at

Just an FYI, this site is running hybrid as a parent theme. 🙂


I contacted Chris and told him of this theme port I would be doing. After a few days of modifications, bug fixes, and styling, the theme is ready for public release.

While Galleria shares a few qualities with his sibling, the differences are notable in the style, color, and layout throughout the theme, including the theme options.

More info

For more info and documentation, refer to the readme.html file included in the download or visit the Galleria theme page.

Some features

  • dynamic image re-size on a single page.
  • WordPress 2.7 compatible
  • Built on the Hybrid framework
  • jQuery hover effects
  • jQuery scrolling effects.
  • ‘Save to Delicious’ link
  • ‘Tweet This’ link
  • Flexible footer widget area

Download [download#5#format=2]

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