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In case you missed it, is all new!



You should head over the the newly redesigned site of Matt Mullenweg, the inventor of WordPress! His site is all new for the Spring season, and he has been tounting many of us with quick screen shots at WordCamp Las Vegas & WordCamp Denver. But finally, and I guess a little delayed, the new theme has launched.

I like it! What do you think?


Site Theme Update




Hello everyone, it’s been a long time since my last post.  First of all the theme of the site will still involve a lot to do with wordpress, only I think it’s just easier for me to expand the site into new areas.  Since I rarely find time to write and when I do, I find even less to write about.  Especially when I am stuck on just one subject, so from here on out this site will include Code, Design, SEO, Themes, Online Money Making, Security, Plugins, Themes, Networking, Marketing, Advertising and whatever comes to mind that has to do with Online.

Now I would love to hear from the readers of this site. Let me know what you think.  Should this stay on subject or expand.

Also I would love to hear from all visitors and readers on what is your job online.




Are you a webmaster?

Are you a Programmer?


Are you a Graphics Artist?


Are you a Professional SEOer?


Are you a Marketer?


Are you a Writer?


Are you an Advertiser?


Are you a Networker?


Do you design Websites?


Make Themes?


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Looking for help



Hi guys as you probably allready know this site was up for sale and I am the new owner I would love to hear from all the readers.  What would you guys like to see more of on this site.  Is there any bloggers here or writers that would like to become guest bloggers on our blog here. if you have something you think everyone might be interested in reading I would love to post your work.  looking foward to hearing from  the crowd 😉

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Getting ready for WordCamps in 2010



just a few WordCamp’s that are starting off the new year.

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