Have you ever wanted to display the excerpt only if you write one? A simple couple lines of code can display the_excerpt any where you like.
Okay, so by now you may notice something. You may be thinking “the site looks a lot different”, and you are correct. Over the past few...
Hello from BarCampLA in beautiful Culver City. It's a bit early and presentation's don't start till after lunch. While I hadn't planned on making a presentation,...
Doing theme modification and even custom template files has brought me to this point. Today I've created my first premium theme, and since I am a...
I was just working on re-launching my forum in preparation of the new theme I am going to release sometime this week. And while in the...
I’ve had some time the last few days while my XPS computer has been having difficulties and the Dell replacement parts didn’t fix, what I know...
This is a simple one. /** * Your Blog title * */ function my_blog_title() { $blogname = get_bloginfo('name'); return '<span class="blog-title">' . $blogname . '</span>'; }...
How might you display a Google ad after the first post or anything you like? It is very simple. You just need to add the variable...
Here is a simple way to call query_posts with an array of options. For all options you my use visit: WordPress Codex. <?php $my_query = array('showposts'...
Looking to add a favicon to you site? Inside your WordPress theme’s functions file (functions.php) add the following to inside your PHP code. /** * FAVICON...
If you’ve downloaded the Swekey plugin and plan on using it for users to login here is what you might see. The first image here shows...
Anyone in the Los Angeles area? Well the first Sunday of the month is the LAWPUG, and since the weather is nice in LA, the meet...
Steam is powerful, hot, and painful. It can move trains, boats, and has driven minds crazy with the power of invention. And now, the power of...
I received a Swekey in the mail this week. What’s a Swekey you ask? Like regular keys protect your car and your home against thieves and...
React js Developer Skills
At the time of writing this post I have Theme Hybrid as my parent theme, and am using a custom version of Hybrid News that Justin...
What do Software as a Service (SaaS) Companies Do?
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