Tips & Tricks
Add a shortcode
This is a simple one.
/** * Your Blog title * */ function my_blog_title() { $blogname = get_bloginfo('name'); return '<span class="blog-title">' . $blogname . '</span>'; } add_shortcode('blog-title', 'my_blog_title');
Just add this to your functions.php file and then add [blog-title] in any post or page and it will return your Blog Title. :)
Tips & Tricks
WordPress Security Hacks
Hi guys this is my first post on wpcult the great site Austin built. Hope you guys find it usefull.
If you run a blog using the wordpress software then your blog is a target to hackers. Below I will list some hacks and just how they can help you keep your business/site safe.
The following is code to Block Bad Queries and protect your blog from malicious URL Requests.
Place the following code into a text file and name it what ever you like for example blockbadqueries.php upload it to your plugin folder and activate it in your wordpress admin just as you would any other Plugin
Plugin Name: Block Bad Queries
Plugin URI:
Description: Protect WordPress Against Malicious URL Requests
Author URI:
Author: Perishable Press
Version: 1.0
global $user_ID; if($user_ID) {
if(!current_user_can(‘level_10’)) {
if (strlen($_SERVER[‘REQUEST_URI’]) > 255 ||
strpos($_SERVER[‘REQUEST_URI’], “eval(“) ||
strpos($_SERVER[‘REQUEST_URI’], “CONCAT”) ||
strpos($_SERVER[‘REQUEST_URI’], “base64”)) {
@header(“HTTP/1.1 414 Request-URI Too Long”);
@header(“Status: 414 Request-URI Too Long”);
@header(“Connection: Close”);
This Great plugin was made by Jeff Starr of Digging into WordPress
Protecting your blog with .htaccess
.htaccess files have lots of possibilities. below is some code that will help protect your wordpress from modification of _REQUEST and/or GLOBALS and scripts injection.
This is real simple just paste the following code into your .htaccess file. Always make a backup of your .htaccess before editing, better to be safe.
Options +FollowSymLinks RewriteEngine On RewriteCond %{QUERY_STRING} (\<|%3C).*script.*(\>|%3E) [NC,OR] RewriteCond %{QUERY_STRING} GLOBALS(=|\[|\%[0-9A-Z]{0,2}) [OR] RewriteCond %{QUERY_STRING} _REQUEST(=|\[|\%[0-9A-Z]{0,2}) RewriteRule ^(.*)$ index.php [F,L]
Thanks to Oussama for this great hack
Tips & Tricks
How to: Create a shortcode
Social networks are everywhere. I am sure you’re on facebook. Well why not at a facebook share script to your site?
Don’t know PHP that well?
Well here is a simple way to add a share script like to your site, via shortcodes.
Paste the following code in your functions.php file in order to create your shortcode:
function fbshare_script() { return '<div class="fbshare"><script src=""></script></div>'; } add_shortcode( 'fbshare', 'fbshare_script' );
Once done, you can display the facebook share button anywhere on your posts. In WordPress editor, make sure you are in HTML mode and insert the following: [fbshare]
When your post will be published, the shortcode will be replaced by the button.
Tips & Tricks
Turn your RSS feed into a shortcode
Last week I wrote how to “Use WordPress to print a RSS feed for Eventbrite attendees“. It was pretty popular, but then I found myself in a place that was more annoying. Trying to incorporate that into a blog post or page.
Without having to download a plugin that will allow PHP to be executed inside a post, I would have to create a template file and use that. Which is what I did, and it works just fine. But for some reason I forgot all about shortcodes! With a shortcode, I could generate all the PHP in the functions file and then just call the shortcode when/where I want.
Okay, so lets show the completed PHP code:
function attendee_feed_print_2009() { global $wpdb; include_once( ABSPATH . WPINC . '/rss.php' ); $rss = fetch_rss( '' ); $items = array_slice( $rss->items, 0 ); if ( empty( $items ) ) echo '<ul style="list-style-type: none; list-style-image: none; list-style-position: outside;"><li>No items</li></ul>'; else foreach ( $items as $item ) : ?> <ul style="list-style-type:none; list-style-image:none; list-style-position:outside; margin-bottom: 0px"> <li><!--<strong><?php echo $item[ 'title' ]; //User name ?></strong><br />--> <?php echo $item[ 'content' ][ 'encoded' ]; ?> <hr style="border: 1px solid #ddd; margin-bottom: 8px" /> </li> </ul> <?php endforeach; }
Now, this code has to be changed for it to work as a shortcode. We’ll have to return the function and not print/echo it.
I also wanted to be able to use multiple instances of the code with different feeds. To do so I had to create a argument to extract from the completed short code. I found a demo at: Alex Mansfield’s post.
Remember this:
function attendee_feed_print_2009() { global $wpdb; include_once( ABSPATH . WPINC . '/rss.php' ); $rss = fetch_rss( '' );
We are going to update it to read as follows ( changes in bold ) :
function attendee_feed_print_2009( $rss_nbr ) { global $wpdb; extract( shortcode_atts( array( 'rss' => ''), $rss_nbr ) ); include_once( ABSPATH . WPINC . '/rss.php' ); $rss = fetch_rss( $rss );
And the final code with the fields updated to return the arguments ( put into your functions.php file ( in between <?php
) ) :
function attendee_feed_print_2009( $rss_nbr ) { global $wpdb; extract( shortcode_atts( array( 'rss' => ''), $rss_nbr ) ); include_once( ABSPATH . WPINC . '/rss.php' ); $rss = fetch_rss( $rss ); $items = array_slice( $rss->items, 0 ); $rss_html = '<div id="eventbrite-attendee-list" style="clear:both;">'; if ( empty( $items ) ) $rss_html .= '<ul style="list-style:none;"><li>No attendees, yet.</li></ul>'; else foreach ( $items as $item ) : $rss_html .= '<ul style="background:none; list-style:none; margin:0px">'; $rss_html .= '<li style="background:none; list-style:none;">'; $rss_html .= $item[ 'content' ][ 'encoded' ]; $rss_html .= '<hr style="border: 1px solid #ddd; margin-bottom: 10px" />'; $rss_html .= '</li>'; $rss_html .= '</ul>'; endforeach; $rss_html .= '</div>'; return $rss_html; }
And lets not forget to add the shortcode function!
add_shortcode( 'eventbrite-attendees', 'attendee_feed_print_2009' );
Final outcome with look like this `[eventbrite-attendees rss=""]`
I’ve created this into a plugin!
Download the plugin:
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