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Cultivate is a child theme of the Hybrid theme framework, which means you must have Hybrid installed for it to work.

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Front Page News

Front Page News

This theme was developed for WordPress 2.7+. To be used anyway you see fit. It showcases two (2) front page template’s. One which is similar to a news/magazine style front page, and another blog style with dynamic image resizing.

The theme come’s with four (4) additional widget sections, plus one custom widget for the accordion widget section that’s controlled with jQuery..


At present time, this theme is for sale only. Current price is $12.00.


Cultivate is packaged with four additional widget sections (aside from the numerous ones already available with Hybrid).

Sits below Primary and beside Secondary, behaving as a sidebar. (like Hybrid news)
Utility: Before Container
Located under the header & above the content. It’s a great place to announce something. ( Only loads on the home page [is_front_page()] )
Utility: Before Container Right
Located to the right or the Utility: Before Container. A nice space for a banner? ( Only loads on the home page [is_front_page()] )
Utility: Accordion
Locatated below the Primary & Seconday/Tertiary. Only should be used with the custom widget that is loaded when chosen in the theme options.

Front Page Template – News

The theme comes packaged with an extra page template for you to use called Front Page.

When you write a page, scroll down toward the bottom of the Write Page panel and select the template of your choosing. You can also set this as your home page by going to Settings > Reading and choosing the page you added the template to as your front page.

You’ll also want to add feature images and thumbnails to your posts to make them look good. For your convenience both of these are located under the Hybrid Settings meta box when you write a post. Of course, Hybrid has a built-in image script that will automatically include images for you (if you’ve attached an image).

The newest metabox included for this theme, which is called Feature dynamicly resizes the image and zooms in to fit the jQuery scroller on the front page template.

The settings for this page template are located below the Setting box under CULT[i]VATE.

Front Page Template – Blog

New in version 0.1.3 is an optional front page template, or an alternative blog template with dynamic resizeing of images when uploaded and input into the “hybrid meta box” Feature. Also includes a news style change in posts as talked about in this hybrid support forum.

[wp_eStore_buy_now:product_id:1|button_text:Purchase Cultivate:end]



  1. Pingback: Announcing the relase of CULT[i]VATE child theme for Hybrid — WPCult

  2. Pingback: GPL commercial themes - Page 2 - WordPress Tavern Forum

  3. Aris

    October 2, 2009 at 3:49 pm

    I have you an idea for the release of a WP 2.8 compatible version of this very nice theme ?



    • Austin

      October 6, 2009 at 8:16 pm

      No idea.

  4. Lynne

    October 5, 2009 at 3:44 pm

    I would really like to see the demo of this …but I am getting a database error when I click on the demo…

    Also, when I was going to purchase the template…it adds $4.00 for shipping and handling…is it not an auto download?

    • Austin

      October 6, 2009 at 8:15 pm

      Sorry, my database went down and I haven’t had time to fix the demo yet. Sorry about the shipping charge, my e-commerce plugin is all messed up since transferring servers.

  5. Lynne

    October 8, 2009 at 8:07 am

    LOL…I did purchase the template with the shipping charge…no big…
    but I have not received the download…

    Any way you can send it to me…???

    • Austin

      October 8, 2009 at 1:44 pm

      Have tried a few times, but keep receiving bounce backs from your email.

      • Lynne

        October 10, 2009 at 11:16 am

        I got it…thanks…

  6. Jay

    April 14, 2010 at 11:36 am

    Hi, just letting you know that the demo link returns a “500 internal server error.”

  7. Jay

    May 24, 2010 at 10:36 am

    I just released a free hybird child theme based on Hybrid News called Creatine. It’s available from the Child them forum directory.


  8. cricket broadband

    October 29, 2010 at 1:38 am

    This theme is awesome! Thank you for sharing this nice post!

  9. Bob

    April 14, 2011 at 12:49 am

    Is it compatible with WP 3.1? Is it SEO optimized?

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