Many weblog sites these days have some form of an archive page. In WordPress it might be the built in auto generation of permalinks by: /Month/...
WPCult is a WordPress blog that accepts guest posts given they align with the mentioned guidelines. The post should be original, of at least 1000-1500 words,...
WordPress and WooCommerce use user roles to regulate capabilities across a site. Roles include Super Administrator, Administrator, Contributor, Subscriber, Editor, Author, Customer, and Shop Manager, each...
Benefits include the TV theme, unlimited theme support answered by our experts, customization techniques with our detailed theme tutorials and professional design services available by our...
Cookie PolicyThis website will store some information about your preferences on your computer inside a tiny file called a cookie. A cookie is a small piece of...
Galleria, a gallery style child theme of Hybrid. Originally a child theme of Thematic, built by Chris Wallace, and release for Smashing Magazine. I have taken...
Cultivate is a child theme of the Hybrid theme framework, which means you must have Hybrid installed for it to work. This theme was developed for...
You will receive an email shortly which will contain an encrypted download link for this product. This link will remain valid for 24 hours.
Do you enjoy writing about WordPress, SEO, Link Building, Marketing, Affiliate Tips, Blogging Tips and Tricks, How-To, Ways to make money Blogging, How to get more...
All these themes have been created by myself. Thought I won’t take full credit, I have learned a lot from other theme developers and have applied...
We are offering many spaces to put your sponsored banners on this site. We’ve got multiple 125×125 slots on the sidebar, one 468×60 banner slot in...
Hello, welcome to WPCult. A place to learn all about the greatest web blog platform and CMS around, we’re talking about WordPress of course! Writing for...
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