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Bloggers: Are You Procrastinating Right Now When You Should Be Working? This Article Will Get You Back To It



Bloggers: Are You Procrastinating Right Now When You Should Be Working? This Article Will Get You Back To It 20

Procrastination is in many ways the blogger’s worst enemy. You haven’t uploaded a new post in a long time and have a small window to do it in, so you sit down hoping to write a few blog posts only to find yourself browsing around YouTube and watching funny videos of cats. Sure, those cats are often hilarious, but they aren’t going to make your blog any more successful, appease your impatient readers or earn you any money. This is a problem faced by many of us and it’s one of the biggest time (and therefore) money wasters that we deal with on a daily basis.

In fact, I’d say that there’ a good chance you’re procrastinating right now. Perhaps you sat down planning to write an article for your site, but then got distracted while you were browsing through the research. You maybe read a couple of unrelated articles, checked your email, then went back online to ‘close the tab’. Maybe you were just about to when you saw this article title and though ‘just this one more article’.

Well it’s time to stop, and fortunately I know just how to get you back to work. Below I’m going to share some strategies that can make it much easier to work through your to-do list, and by the end of it you should be back to work and have stopped putting it off. Then, whenever you find your eyes and mind starting to wander, you can just apply these same strategies again…

Step 1: Create a To Do List

Bloggers: Are You Procrastinating Right Now When You Should Be Working? This Article Will Get You Back To It 21

The first thing you need to do is to outline exactly what’s required of you for today. By doing that, you will be able to better plan your day and you won’t find yourself putting things off because you’re not sure what’s best to do next. Make this detailed too so that nothing vague is on that list. For instance, don’t just write ‘write blog post’, but instead write the title and subject of that post. This way you won’t lose time deliberating on what precisely to write and you can disengage that part of your brain to just work through the tasks directly.

Step 2: Start With the Fun

Bloggers: Are You Procrastinating Right Now When You Should Be Working? This Article Will Get You Back To It 22

You’d think that it would make more sense to start with the most boring or the largest task on your to-do list first would make sense, but in reality that’s often a mistake. Instead, try starting with the job that’s mot fun or at least most bearable. That way, you won’t dread getting started quite so much and you’ll be less likely to carry on putting it off. But then, once you’ve done the fun task, you’ll find that the whole list looks much shorter and more bearable.

And if you don’t have a fun or a bearable task on there? Well then find a way to make the jobs more interesting. If you need to do some writing for your blog, then you should try and make the posts you write relate directly to something that’s currently on your mind. Likewise, if you were putting off going to the gym, you could make it more fun by using new exercises or making a challenging routine to push yourself. However you do it, if you make the job fun and challenging then it won’t be so likely to feel like work and it will be easier to stay focussed on it. This is an example of working with your brain. There are more here.

Step 3: Don’t Check Your E-Mail… Or Anything

So you have your to-do list and you’re raring to get started with work. What do you do now? If the answer you were about to say was to ‘check your e-mail’ then that’s what you’ve been doing wrong. Checking your e-mail at the start of your ‘shift’ will mean you’re not focussing on your work right from the word go, and will create too many opportunities to get even more distracted (by thinking about what’s been written, or by writing a response). Instead then, make checking your e-mail a ‘reward’ and use the same attitude for making tea or doing anything else that distracts you from your main job (and only award yourself one at a time after you’ve done a good amount of work). That way, rather than making tea, checking your email and reading the news and finding you’ve done no work after an hour, you can do one of those things at the end of each hour and find you’ve finished most of your work by the time you’ve done all three.

Bloggers: Are You Procrastinating Right Now When You Should Be Working? This Article Will Get You Back To It 23

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John Miller is an expert at social media marketing. Having been in this field for over 10 years, he has sound knowledge of its working. A music lover, he likes listening to his favourite soundtracks in his spare time.

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6 Digital Marketing Trends for Better Ecommerce Conversions




6 Digital Marketing Trends for Better Ecommerce Conversions 36

To stay ahead of the digital marketing game, it’s not enough to understand and apply basic industry concepts. Being up to date on trends is a key component of successful digital marketing because the digital world, like everyone in your target demographic, is continually evolving. 

Marketing trends can come and go as quickly as fashion, technology, or pop culture. It is, however, simple to keep ahead of the game.

6 Key Trends to Increase eCommerce Conversions

Use the following trends to your advantage. This list will assist you in strategizing and planning for your eCommerce business’s future. Let’s take a look at how these trends could benefit marketing.

Shopping in a Social Environment

Shopping at the mall in a bunch has mostly been replaced by social shopping. That isn’t to say that people don’t prefer to flaunt their recent purchase. 

They make it easy for shoppers to click, buy, and share their happy news online with all of their connections using shoppable posts like Instagram Galleries. 

For businesses that can target these networked buyers with new discounts and other incentives, it’s marketing gold. So let’s start with Incrementors for better services experiences.

Retailers should concentrate their efforts on Instagram, Facebook, and Pinterest, in addition to Instagram. Sixty percent of Instagram users say they discover new products, and seventy percent of those do take action. Retailers cannot ignore the popularity of social shopping.

AI helps retailers in learning more about their customers

Artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning enable customers to enjoy automated, personalised purchase experiences. 

AI collects data on how customers shop when they make purchases, and what they’re seeking in a product or service regularly. It’s a technology that can’t be recreated in a physical location.

On social media, we’ve seen the inverse phenomenon, when AIs learn from humans’ more negative comments, but it’s extremely likely that consumers would seek the impact.

Customer reviews might help to build trust

So, you’ve begun utilising Instagram Shopping. When it comes to bringing the traffic to the desired place things are going quite well, but things aren’t going so well in terms of those pageviews converting into sales at a high rate.

It might now affect the ratings at first but slowly with time you will start to notice a drastic change as your business grows.

Customer feedback, to be precise. Consumers with limited discretionary cash are wary of spending their money, and nothing is more reassuring (read: compelling) than a wonderful review from someone who has purchased one or more of your products. 

Ratings and reviews on product pages are a tested method of converting more site visitors into buyers.


Everyone enjoys receiving a birthday gift, and they value the attention and personal attention that comes with it. Personalization is an effective marketing tactic. 

Your online clients need individualised service, and there are several ways to provide it, all of which are supported by AI and machine learning too. Incrementors help the marketers to improve the conversion which eventually leads to business growth.

Send relevant products to your customers while they explore, search, or check out. “Visitors who watched this also viewed” referrals account for 68 percent of some retailers’ revenue.

Referral marketing 

One last piece of e-commerce marketing advice: leverage the power of referral marketing to turn your most devoted clients’ enthusiasm into a regular stream of new business. 

The best way to take your business to a whole new scale where you can just use the word of mouth technique and can increase your user base.

For those who don’t know what referral marketing is, it is the process of motivating your consumers to tell others about how much they love your company. It’s comparable to gathering client testimonials in terms of strategy, with the exception that it’s more direct. 


Your prospects are more likely to trust their close ones than random online strangers. Your prospects are more likely to trust their close ones than random online strangers. Chatbots make shopping more enjoyable.

Chatbots communicate with internet shoppers in the same way that a human salesperson would. Today customers expect that they can identify the products just with a single click. A chatbot can help save a lot of time in such a situation.

Experts expect that by 2022, 85 percent of enterprises will use chatbots.

Chatbots provide a wide range of services. However, I believe they will have a significant impact on how consumers shop online. Self-checkout kiosks will very certainly become the norm in retail, and in-store marketing will grow.”

Want to learn the best Ecommerce marketing strategies? Watch this amazing video:


So there you have it: your handy guide to the top digital marketing trends we predict will be big in 2022. The best way to stay competitive, grow, and secure consumer loyalty is to stay on top of it with the current trends going on.

It’s going to be a big year for technical advancements, marketing tools, and forward-thinking strategies, so make your new year’s resolutions about your adaptability, flexibility, and readiness to evolve with the times.

Author BIO –  Shiv Gupta is the Founder and Head of Growth at Incrementors. Incrementors is an Award-Winning Digital Marketing Agency that helps clients to grow their business online by generating more traffic, leads, and sales. Incrementors specializes in providing customized, tailored online marketing solutions highly specific to the needs of the clients.

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The Top 10 Best Free Android Retro Games of all time




Retro games are games that usually refer to 80’s and early 90’s games that have been endeared into the heart and souls of people growing up during that time period. Back when a certain Italian Plumber dominated the game market and names like Link, Sonic, and PAC Man was on the tips of every one’s tongue. The fact that these games can be played in the palm of your hand still astounds me – these games originally came out in the arcade, and required an entire large cabinet to house the electronics just to play this game.

Why play them at all? Retro games are still played because the people that grew up with them have fond memories of playing on a lazy Saturday or Sunday with their friends. It represented the dawn of the hand held game, the beginning of an age where you didn’t have to go spend a load of quarters at the arcade to have the most awesome fun.

Ping Pong

The Top 10 Best Free Android Retro Games of all time 37

The original game. Back on the Atari 2600, this bad boy of the simplistic game world was based on a simple concept – table tennis, or ping pong, but virtually. What a bold idea, right?


The Top 10 Best Free Android Retro Games of all time 38

Likely the most recognizable arcade name out there, PAC Man has come in various forms – Mrs. Pac Man, Baby Pac Man, and Professor Pac Man – but the original still stands strong and proud as the original classic that released in 1980.

Frogger – The dodge the cars –

The Top 10 Best Free Android Retro Games of all time 39

And get to the other side of the road game (I wonder if this had anything to do with a chicken?) is back on Android with the Frogger ad supported version, or you can purchase the app for an ad free jumping experience.



The Top 10 Best Free Android Retro Games of all time 40

Probably more spin offs from this than any other game, the Russian Computer Engineer who developed this has also gone on to create other works, including some Xbox titles, but none so influential as this puzzle masterpiece. With 20 Versions across multiple platforms, you can choose whatever you like, but we suggest Android free play.

Boulder Dash

The Top 10 Best Free Android Retro Games of all time 41

It came out the same year as Tetris, 1984, but not nearly as popular. Still, there have been 5 versions of this game since its original release date, and it seems that it will remain in our memory banks for at least a few more years to come.


The Top 10 Best Free Android Retro Games of all time 42

We all remember the Nokia phone in the 90’s right? That all familiar ring tone? What about the game ‘Snake’ where you use the buttons of the phone to control the snake while it tries to get the stars, while avoiding hitting any walls. While it wasn’t completely high tech, few of these games rarely are.

Commander Genius aka Commander Keen

The Top 10 Best Free Android Retro Games of all time 43

This spawned a number of series (or episodes) that was favored by many in the 90’s, including episodes on the famous game boy, the earliest release of hand held gaming.


The Top 10 Best Free Android Retro Games of all time 44

So let me get this straight, we want a hedgehog that runs really fast, collects coins, and spins around loops, and fights other animals. Sounds great! While I wouldn’t have wanted to be in that board meeting, I cannot deny the hours of fun this game will bring you. The challenges are still quite formidable, and the action is still fun.

Avid retro-gamers shouldn’t miss out on these 3 fabulous games in the LCD Retro Games Collection application that really capture the whole feels older games, back when graphics were simple and steering your character was a cakewalk. These games come in many titles, and will keep you entertained for hours so that you can relive your glory days as an 8 year old playing hand held games.

Space Invaders

The Top 10 Best Free Android Retro Games of all time 45

The classic battle to save earth from invaders from – well, space. You are armed with a laser cannon that you can move from left to right to shoot down the aliens, and go on to the next level. This was released in 1978, and still rocks today.

Overall, the best way to relive the good old days is to get a few of these free applications on your android phone – and spend an afternoon reminiscing.

Author Bio: Jason Phillips is the writer of this article. He provides his suggestion about the latest video games and technology through his articles. Even he has worked with a gaming site for Sniper Games 365 as an advisor.

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Guest Blogging Do’s and Don’ts




Guest Blogging Do's and Don’ts 55In the world of Penguin, link building has become a sophisticated science. Getting links to your blog or website is harder than ever. One of the most effective ways to build solid and high quality links is through guest blogging. When done in moderation, blogging as a guest could provide a number of advantages, particularly in terms of the links you will be able to generate. However, overdoing it could make it counterproductive than getting the results you are looking for.

Yet, writing too many guest blog posts is just one of the mistakes you can make. There are many other guest blogging dos and don’ts you have to be wary of if you are to make the most of it. The interesting thing is that there are many bloggers and marketers who don’t yet gauge the importance of guest posts. In the current year, the happening trend in online marketing is content marketing. Guest blogging is one of the best ways in which you can get your content published and read by your target audience.

This is why you need to pay special attention to the choices you make when deciding to become a guest blogger. The key is to select the best possible blog or website and there are a number of criteria that can help you do so. At the same time, you have to make sure your choice of blog doesn’t end up hurting your own blog. So, without further ado, here are the dos and don’ts of guest blogging.

Dos of Guest Blogging

The first thing you need to consider when deciding to write a guest blog is the website it will be published on. There are several factors that make a website or blog a perfect fit for the type of content you want to share with the world. Here are some of the most important dos of guest blogging.

Theme of the Website

Relevance is crucial to success in online marketing today. Google pays a lot of attention to relevance and it is the name of the game as things stand. Your choice of blog has to depend on its relevance to what your website is about. This is important in terms of link building as well. A link will only be considered valid and high quality if it emerges from a website similar in theme to yours. Of course, you can be flexible regarding the theme and even subtle similarities work. This also ensures some level of reader overlap, meaning more people get to read what you post.

Ranking Factors

Ranking is also a crucial thing you need to consider when selecting a platform for a guest blog post. The two things you need to keep at the forefront are the Domain Authority and PageRank. A high score on both is imperative for a website to be considered worthy of guest posting. Otherwise, keep looking.

Guest Blogging Do's and Don’ts 56

Reader Base

You should make sure the website you are posting your content on has a large reader base. Otherwise, there is no use for you to make the effort. If your content is not going to get more people to read your content and visit your website, the endeavor is worthless. You can do this by checking the number of subscribers and also the social media activity of the blog. This way you have a clear idea of the number of readers you can expect to gain.

Frequency of Posting

Will the blog allow you to post regularly and how frequently do they expect new posts? These are important considerations. You need to know if you have enough time to keep coming up with quality content for your guest blog posts. Don’t take on a responsibility that make become very difficult to fulfill in the long run. This will only divert your attention from your own content marketing efforts.

Number of Guest Posters

This one is not commonly cited as an important tip for guest blogging but it could work to your advantage. You would benefit more from contributing to a website that has few guest bloggers. This is because your competitors will have a smaller chance of getting a link from that website. Also, it will be more lucrative.

Top 10 Blogs

Perhaps the biggest DO is that you should try your luck getting your post on one of the top 10 blogs on the web related to your niche. If you can manage to do so, you will be able to gain the maximum exposure and benefits from guest blogging. Else, you would have to work harder.

These are the dos of guest blogging you need to keep in mind. As you can see, they will enable you to select the best possible blog for posting. That is exactly what you need to do to get started off on the right foot with regards to becoming a guest blogger. It is time to look at the don’ts now.

Don’ts of Guest Blogging

Compared to the dos, the don’ts are relatively fewer. However, they can cause the downfall of your blog so make sure you pay due important to them and try to avoid them as much as possible.



Guest Blogging Do's and Don’ts 57

Free for All Blogs

There are many blogs online that accept content from anyone and everyone. They are simply looking to boost their content offering so there is no benefit for you of posting on them. You need to find blogs that are relevant to your own blog.


A blog that has a lot of ads is a strict no-no when it comes to guest blog posts. The intent is clear; they just want to make money.

Guest Blogging Do's and Don’ts 58

Web Design and User Experience

Perhaps the most obvious don’t of guest blogging is that you should stay clear of blogs that are designed poorly and offer substandard user experience. Not many people will consider spending time on such a blog.


Simply avoid any website or blog that has been penalized in the past for any reason, especially low value links.

Contact Info

Blogs holding back their contact information are shady to say the least and should be avoided completely.

Social Media Presence

Blogs that lack a solid social media presence or have a low number of subscribers aren’t what you should be looking for to publish a guest blog post.

In addition to the don’ts mentioned here, you should also shun blogs that have a low PageRank and Domain Authority.

Keep in mind that these dos and don’ts are just the tip of iceberg. There are many other things you need to learn about guest blogging in order to become an expert. However, these will help you get started off perfectly. Best of luck!

Guest Blogging Do's and Don’ts 59Roman Viliavin, vice CEO at Promodo SEO Company.

Unconventional Thinker and candidate master of chess. Roman has been working in the field of search engine optimization since 2005 and is the moving spirit of the company. Participant and speaker of all major events in SEO business. Roman has successfully completed dozens of projects and gladly shares his experience with SEO community via articles and various online and offline publications. Follow Roman on Twitter and Facebook.

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