Every one is aware of Twitter, I hope. Well there are many, many plugins for your WordPress that you can use. So I am not going...
This is an easy one, just add one line to your single.php file where you would like the Gravatar to show up. <?php echo get_avatar( get_the_author_id(),...
If you take a look at my current sidebar (right) and see the heading Google Search you’ll notice that when you click it the Google Search...
Want to show what any user was searching for? It is simple, just add this line where your title would be. <h1>Browsing search results for <strong>"<?php...
I have show you how to create a custom widget in a previous post. But how about adding and additional “Archives” widget that won’t list the...
I was just looking around and saw that Darren Hoyt has released Mimbo 3.0. If your looking for a nice free theme, head over to Darren’s...
In this post I will show you how I created my custom widget showcasing mybloglog readers. In your function.php file add this simple line of code:...
Many weblog sites these days have some form of an archive page. In WordPress it might be the built in auto generation of permalinks by: /Month/...
Darren Rowse from Pro Blogger wrote a great article of a collection of different article to get the beginning blogger of his/her feet. Head over and...
Today Matt Mullenweg from MA.TT declared today official plugin developer day because the plugin directory hit 4,000 plugins, check it out: 4,000 Plugins.
If you use pages and subpages or posts and parent posts on your WordPress blog, it should be a good idea to display parent page/post title...
Benefits include the TV theme, unlimited theme support answered by our experts, customization techniques with our detailed theme tutorials and professional design services available by our...
I recently went looking for a good audio player for WordPress. I came across WPAudioPlayer from 1 pixel out. The plugin is extremely simple to use...
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