Here is a simple way to call query_posts with an array of options. For all options you my use visit: WordPress Codex. <?php $my_query = array('showposts'...
Looking to add a favicon to you site? Inside your WordPress theme’s functions file (functions.php) add the following to inside your PHP code. /** * FAVICON...
Wow, have you heard? WordPress has announced that the newest version, 2.8 which was thought to be held off till September has actually been a secret...
I just came across this article over at WPLover. Was very good, especially since I just released my first WordPress theme. Seems like he’s got it...
Today has released an update to his Hybrid Theme. Version 0.5.1 can be found at the WordPress theme repository.
If you’ve downloaded the Swekey plugin and plan on using it for users to login here is what you might see. The first image here shows...
Anyone in the Los Angeles area? Well the first Sunday of the month is the LAWPUG, and since the weather is nice in LA, the meet...
I received a Swekey in the mail this week. What’s a Swekey you ask? Like regular keys protect your car and your home against thieves and...
At the time of writing this post I have Theme Hybrid as my parent theme, and am using a custom version of Hybrid News that Justin...
Have you ever uploaded an image that might have been a tad bigger than the width of your content area? I know I have! So here...
See, I really did pull the winner out of a hat, lol. Well In my post “Get a copy of Blog Blazers” I said that two...
Here is a simple way to display any RSS feed in your WordPress blog. <?php include_once(ABSPATH . WPINC . '/rss.php'); $rss = fetch_rss(''); $items = array_slice($rss->items,...
Hey everyone, I’ve got two copies of Blog Blazers that I want to give away to you, the readers! I got some copies from WordCamp Denver....
In WordPress, when you use wp_page_menu your anchor attribute’s usually carry a title with the same name. I’m not sure if it’s correct to do this,...
You should head over the the newly redesigned site of Matt Mullenweg, the inventor of WordPress! His site is all new for the Spring season, and...
So I have been really busy, and haven’t been able to put up a new post since I got back from WordCamp Denver. Working on some...
Over the weekend, I attended WordCamp Denver, and I was asked by John Hawkins how to force links to open in a new tab with out...
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