Well we’ve been presented with an late Hanukkah gift, but an early Christmas gift! WordPress 2.9 has been released today. Also announced a new default theme...
Well, were getting real close!
For those who are familiar with BuddyPress, it’s a plugin for WordPressμ only. But Scott has created a plugin that would allow for single user compatibility.
Have you tried to download any of the community tagging plugins with no prevail?
Start to think outside the box. UnBox is a new WordPress theme for the willing. Using jQuery in fluidity.
Social networks are everywhere. I am sure you're on facebook. Well why not at a facebook share script to your site?
WordCamp Las Vegas is taking place this weekend. But its a special event in collaboration with Blog World Expo! That means that it’s going to be...
I was given a few free gold upgrades for the WP e-Commerce plugin.
Another WordCamp has arrived at my doorstep, this time I am the organizer of the event. So if any of you WordPress fans are in the...
Last week I wrote how to “Use WordPress to print a RSS feed for Eventbrite attendees“. It was pretty popular, but then I found myself in...
Today I was working on the WordCamp.LA site. I was trying to show the “attendee list” on the attendees page with out having to update the...
If you’ve read the post entitled “WPCult for sale”, you’ll know whats going on around here. Until a sale is or isn’t made, I am going...
I’ve updated the site to the latest release of WordPress. 2.8.1 fixes many bug found in 2.8 and I finally was ready for the update. While...
Justin Tadlock has written a nice tutorial on how to show a password form field instead of the default text “There is no excerpt because this...
Following up on the WordPress weekly, and the final topic of discussion; changelogs and implementing them into your plugins. Now a plugin, shows the changelog in...
Announced already, WordPress 2.8.1 beta 1
Another milestone in the sister application of WordPress; bbPress is that much closer to final release! Check out this video from WordCamp Development day
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