Hello, welcome to WPCult. A place to learn all about the greatest web blog platform and CMS around, we’re talking about WordPress of course!
Writing for WPCult
Currently this site has a couple main authors, Miguel the owner of the site since 2010 the creator of the site Austin Passy of Frosty Web Designs. If your interested in contributing to the site, please feel free to, register on the site and contact me. or if you are just interested in posting a Guest Post.
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A note about Privacy and Advertising
This blog, like many others, uses Woopra Analytics and WordPress.com stats to track visits and clicks. This means I’m using a cookie to collect anonymous traffic data from you. I do not do anything bad with this cookie. You may not eat this cookie and the cookie will not hurt you, but please be cautious, I heard the cookie monster got out of rehab..
You may also like to know that I use affiliate links and offer banner space for sale. When you buy goods or services from these companies, after clicking on one of these links, they reward me. Just so you know. I am also using OIO Publisher & BuySellAds to track and sell ad space on the site.