Here is a simple way to call query_posts with an array of options. For all options you my use visit: WordPress Codex. <?php $my_query = array('showposts'...
Looking to add a favicon to you site? Inside your WordPress theme’s functions file (functions.php) add the following to inside your PHP code. /** * FAVICON...
At the time of writing this post I have Theme Hybrid as my parent theme, and am using a custom version of Hybrid News that Justin...
Have you ever uploaded an image that might have been a tad bigger than the width of your content area? I know I have! So here...
Here is a simple way to display any RSS feed in your WordPress blog. <?php include_once(ABSPATH . WPINC . '/rss.php'); $rss = fetch_rss(''); $items = array_slice($rss->items,...
In WordPress, when you use wp_page_menu your anchor attribute’s usually carry a title with the same name. I’m not sure if it’s correct to do this,...
Over the weekend, I attended WordCamp Denver, and I was asked by John Hawkins how to force links to open in a new tab with out...
Hey everyone, as you may have noticed I have a running on the site. While everything almost everything moved over smoothly, there was an issue with...
I talked about the Twittar plugin in a previous post. But learned that the read me text file was only useful for installing the necessary php...
In a previous post I showed you how to create a custom widget, then I showed you how to create a widget for your monthly archives,...
A lot of you may be using a email form to gather email’s via Feedburner. I am use that by now you know Google has decided...
I was asked by a reader: I’m using the THiCK theme for my new design blog. I noticed you were able to add thumbnail images above...
This is an easy one, just add one line to your single.php file where you would like the Gravatar to show up. <?php echo get_avatar( get_the_author_id(),...
Want to show what any user was searching for? It is simple, just add this line where your title would be. <h1>Browsing search results for <strong>"<?php...
Website traffic generation in 2024 requires combining traditional SEO practices with modern strategies. Key developments include high-quality backlinks, the use of AI and advanced analytics, content...
In this post I will show you how I created my custom widget showcasing mybloglog readers. In your function.php file add this simple line of code:...
Many weblog sites these days have some form of an archive page. In WordPress it might be the built in auto generation of permalinks by: /Month/...
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