SEO is one of those areas where I’m not too loyal to any one source of data. As you’ll most often find, not all websites are crawled equally. I’ve found many domain exceptions in which Majestic outperforms Ahrefs and vice versa. Below are the tools we most often use in both their free and premium formats.
SemRush – The most useful aspect of SemRush is the amount of technical and on-site detail that they provide. From blank meta descriptions to dead links and errors that the previous two tools never alerted me to, it is the major thing that kept it in my arsenal. Out of the three tools, I also prefer SemRush’s newsletter format for weekly rankings I’m sent just for being a free member. Breakdowns between competitor and keyword rankings are more concise and perfect for viewing whilst out of the office.
The Ultimate WordPress Real Estate theme with custom developed plugins, single and multiple agents, extensive…
WordPress 2.6.5 is immediately available and fixes one security problem and three bugs. We recommend…
Another plugin I am using on this site: Comment Validation by Jörn Zaefferer. From Jörn's…
Woopra is the world's most comprehensive, information rich, easy to use, real-time Web tracking and…
If you don't know, this site is running the latest WordPress. Which is in Beta…
Celebrity Press is a sexy premium WordPress theme ideal for running a Gossip / Celebrity…