Technological advancement has swept over, our entire generation, engulfing us in its constantly evolving arms. Today’s young generation takes its innocent first steps in a world, that talks of electronic gadgets, in its every breath. Undoubtedly, children grow up; immensely connected and attached to gadgets.
Thus the new era demands kid’s gadgets, and therefore the markets are flooded with admirable kid’s gadgets, in an effort to answer the growing demand for them. But the debate is on whether; it is safe to hand over these gadgets to the little hands and how much attention and restriction, are parents supposed to impose on their little techies, who are glued to them all the time.
So let us categorize and pinpoint the pros and cons that come with some of the popular gadgets; which have made a profound impact on our kids. Little boys are immensely attached to solid and terrific guns, which predominantly do not cause any harm to their young minds.
The latest to join their collections is the one from Nerf range, which suits their needs, in terms of design and the power they look for, in their duplicate cannons. Little kids, do settle down with gadgets, which do not require much of a mind game, and mostly find pleasure in guns, cars, and little robots that move on their orders; but as they grow older, simplicity does not satisfy them. In the growing stage, the quest for challenge sparkles within their young minds, and this drives their interest to the mind-boggling ones, like the video games.
Video games and their prevalence cannot be explained in a sentence or two, because their prominent stature does not just fade away with children, instead, it goes well beyond many age groups, to ultimately grab, even the young adults.
Video games can ensure mental evolvement, which will help the child to solve puzzles, and also test his or her mental capability. Video games can be categorized into three; casual, serious, and educational games. Starters can begin their journey with the casual sets, and can eventually move on to the more challenging ones, by taking up the serious and educational games. It is the responsibility of the parents to make sure that the child does not drift into addiction, and the games played should be monitored constantly, so as to assure that, negative impacts do not creep in, because of the gaming.
Serious games do nurture a motive, beyond just fun, and they have been designed to impart knowledge and information along with bouts of fun and pleasure. The role played by educational games, does give them space, to harness the creative ability of the child, in matters that travel beyond basic education. Now the latest to join the array of these innovative games is the iPhone applications that have been specially designed to impart information on the go and also offer excitement to the young minds; as they hop from one level to the other.
Initially, video games, used to be manufactured as small portable gadgets, later they became a fraction of the computers, and kids hogged their PCs to play their favorite games. Now they have swirled away from all these platforms, to ultimately take refuge in mobile phones and iPhones, in the form of applications.
Therefore, IPhones slip away into the little hands, long before they attain the maturity to handle them. As the world is technologically advancing beyond our imagination, there is no use, restricting the little minds from exploring their way into iPhones and the entertainment that is entailed in them. But precautionary measures can help the cons to be at bay; therefore don’t go nagging after your kids and do let them enjoy these latest gadgets, just keep a constant eye, so that they do not drift away into negative addiction.
Child-benefit-phone-number, as the world, is well connected, and this age categorizes phones as an irreplaceable gadgets. With the growing trend, the latest gadgets do flood the market, replacing the old and outdated ones. It is necessary to draw the line between entertainment and addiction. If kids huddle over gadgets as a means of entertainment, then do not impose restrictions that limit their imagination; let them unleash their creativity.
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