Guest Post

How To Get More Backlinks from High Authority Sites In 2022?

Although the contemporary world is changing rapidly, some things are widely popular and still gaining audiences’ immense love. One such example is search engine optimization. People have significantly realized that SEO is far from dead, which is why almost every website is setting the goal of being one of the highest authority sites of google. 

However, to be highly authoritative, you must convince Google that all other websites believe you. When other websites judge you or think of your content, it will assist in satisfying Google that you deserve to rank higher on the search engine result page. But how exactly can other websites show that they trust you? 

When other websites think that your content is reliable and worth using on their website, they will link it to their website, and that is how you will prove to Google that you are worth its attention. This is called backlinking, which is why every website is running in the race to get the most backlinks from the high authority sites of Google. 

Now coming to the bigger question, for which you have landed on our blog, “How exactly can you get more backlinks from high authority?”. To answer this question, let’s dive into the blog and discover Sure shot ways to help you get backlinks from high authority websites in 2022 and beyond.  

Foolproof Ways To Get More Backlinks From High DA sites.

  1. Utilize Guest Posting

Many websites have opened themselves to adding guest posts from authors or bloggers passionate about writing. This is one of the simplest and most effective foolproof techniques for getting backlinks from such high-authority websites. This can be done for many possible reasons, such as

● Getting guest posts from various authors saves the money websites have to give their writers. 

● It constantly updates its content, which is good for getting its website crawl or other SEO benefits. 

● Regular posting will assist in keeping the SEO KPI of average time to new content lower, ultimately benefiting the website’s ranking positively. 

So, this highlights the first strategy that can assist you in getting backlinks from high authority sites. All you have to do is 

● Select your high authority sites that accept guest posts for which you want to get backlinks. 

● Analyze their website and see what type of guest posting topics will be accepted on the target site.

● Further, decide the topic you want to pitch on and cross-verify that they would not have covered up similar titles. Otherwise, your article will get rejected. 

● Contact them on their provided email and pitch them the topic. 

● Write a blog and link your website’s content as relevant as possible to the target site. Also, make sure you link the content to their website to increase the chance of getting published. 

Probing further, while writing blogs for others’ websites, ensure you create unique and relevant content per their guidelines and writing style because every website has a different way of creating content. For example, some write in a formal format, while others may take a casual approach in their blogs.

So, writing as per their style will give you a wider chance of acceptance and getting the blog published. You can add the link to your website either in the author bio or somewhere in the body of the article. If you successfully publish your blogs, guest posting can assist you in getting links from high authoritative sites. 

  1. Leverage Broken Link Building

Many high authority websites often have broken links due to multiple reasons, such as domain error or intentional removal. This gives you a vast opportunity that instead of writing a whole guest post for the website, you can ask publishers to swap the broken link with your well-informed content already published on your website. 

This is called the broken link-building technique, another effective technique that can assist you in getting backlinks from high-authority sites. Now what you can do over here is, 

● Find the broken links in the pages you wish to replace on a website. 

● Now, create similar content on your website and tell the publisher that the link they are using is broken. 

● Further, you can convince them that they can use your content to provide a valuable piece of information to its target audience. For effective communication between the publisher and you, utilizing the 7Cs of communication will be helpful for you.

Websites may get convinced because broken links are also negatively impacting their website’s ranking. Moreover, websites would not want their visitors to land at a broken source while reviewing their articles. This will assist you in getting more and more backlinks using a simple technique of replacing the broken links with your content. 

  1. Try Skyscraper technique

Websites always look for the most impactful content that can add value to their website and attract its users. They don’t mind replacing their links with something better and more informative. This is precisely what we will do in our following technique that can assist in attracting backlinks. It is called the skyscraper technique. To clearly explain the process,  

● You will find the article link that ranks higher on google for the keyword you want your link on. 

● The next step is to get the list of websites linked to that particular article. 

● To replace their link, you must make sure to create something better and more informative. 

● Now reach out to the websites linked to that article and pitch that you have created a better and more informative piece of content. Try to convince the publisher that adding your article will add more value to their website.

For getting backlinks, you can effectively use tools like Ahrefs to find the backlinks of higher-ranking websites. Furthermore, using these tools, you can effectively gain backlinks that can assist you in enhancing the authority of your website. 

  1. Create Source Magnets

You can use the above strategies in this article to help you rank and reach more publishers to attain backlinks. However, what if publishers link to your content themselves without any approach from your side? Then, this is the effective implementation of a source magnet that will assist you in attaining the best results. 

Source magnet is about creating something unique that will assist in attracting the attention of the target audience or publishers. The more unique your source magnet will be, the more backlinks you will be able to gather. Define a source magnet in your original report or collection of data that can add value to the content of the different websites. To create a source magnet, you can take the below-mentioned ways. 

● Decide the trending topic and plan the data points based on which the research will take place.

● You can now create your data using the survey approach or curate and analyze the existing data to create unique content. The individual statistics or content will be your magnet to attract various websites to cite your data in their reports or blogs. 

However, these link magnets are not only limited to statistics. You can create unique content such as engaging infographics, blogs on topics with out-of-the-box information, or a collection of various already published facts or data that can assist publishers in adding more value to their content. Creating a source magnet will not only help to attract backlinks but will also contribute to the self-improvement of your website. 

To encapsulate, getting backlinks from websites is not a piece of cake. First, you need to understand the different techniques and then implement them strategically to enhance your SEO ranking on search engines. Moreover, the above-given strategies will effectively assist you in getting the backlinks from high authority websites smartly. So, you can also leverage the unique benefits of search engine optimization in the contemporary world. So, what are you waiting for? Use these practical techniques to get the backlinks and rank higher on Google.

This article was written by Kiara Miler and edited by WPcult editors. You can reach out to Kiara on her Linkedin and Twitter accounts.

How To Get More Backlinks from High Authority Sites In 2022? 5

Well been working with computers since the mid 80's and online since the late 80's early 90's so I am one of the older guys even though I am only in my early mid 30's ;) I feel alot older , I have worked in many different fields and am currently running companies in Mexico that both secure government contracts and Finance, have been involved in the finance part of many projects over the last few years and have so far been succesfull in all endevors, don't get much free time but when I do I would like to start rebuilding this site that I bought from Austin,since I am not a programer I will probably be writing about all kinds of things wordpress, security, seo, marketing, making money online, hosting, news, technology, bussiness, social networking and what ever comes to mind, when ever I get the chance to blog

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