So I have been really busy, and haven’t been able to put up a new post since I got back from WordCamp Denver.
Working on some clients site’s and also a WordPress theme!I have finished about 80% of the theme which is based off my current theme located on my personal blog site: TheFrosty. TheFrosty is using version 0.1 of the theme, which has many faults and bugs. I have fixed many of them, and probably added a few others.
In version 0.2 I’ve added a new jQuery “featured posts” loader and the option for sticky posts. I have also fixed a lot of CSS errors, it should W3C comply :).
Also in the newer version I have tried to add more to the admin panel, in ways of options.
If you would like to download this theme and test it out before I release it to the community please let me know. I would love to get some feedback or ideas on what you’ve got to say. Just use the contact form or send me a message on Twitter.
Let me know what you think! Leave you comments and feedback. I am also trying to get a forum up on the site as well.
I’ve updated my personal site: TheFrosty to the latest version of WordCult (0.2). I’ve already found some small bugs and CSS fixes that need to be taken care of. Also I don’t think that the Adsense display is working correctly.
If you’ve noticed any issues please contact me or leave a comment.
The new version, 0.2.1 brings in some integration from Justin Tadlocks Widgets Reloaded plugin. It’s fully integrated into the theme. So you’ll notice some widgets disappear and be replaced by others. If you need to get them back Justin makes a plugin that will “release” the old widgets on your new theme install.
Get the newest version of WordCult, download Version 0.3 from this page.
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