Categories: Tips & Tricks

Use WordPress to print a RSS feed for Eventbrite attendees

Today I was working on the WordCamp.LA site. I was trying to show the “attendee list” on the attendees page with out having to update the page every day.

Since I am using EventBrite to promote and sell ticket to the event I can collect info from there list. Evey one who purchases a ticket gets put into the ticketed database which you can view with either RSS or OPML.

I chose to use RSS and the WordPress core file rss.php.

In the functions.php file I’ve added this function:

function attendee_feed_print_2009() {
 global $wpdb;
  include_once( ABSPATH . WPINC . '/rss.php' );
  $rss = fetch_rss( '' );
  $items = array_slice( $rss->items, 0 );

Where I’ve named my function, and included the core RSS file from WordPress. I also told it to fetch the feed from the address (alternatively you can use any feed link you like).

if ( empty( $items ) ) echo '<ul style="list-style-type: none; list-style-image: none; list-style-position: outside;"><li>No items</li></ul>';


 foreach ( $items as $item ) : ?>
 <ul style="list-style-type:none; list-style-image:none; list-style-position:outside; margin-bottom: 0px">
 <li><!--<strong><?php echo $item[ 'title' ]; //User name ?></strong><br />-->

 <?php echo $item[ 'content' ][ 'encoded' ]; ?>

 <hr style="border: 1px solid #ddd; margin-bottom: 8px" />
 <?php endforeach;

I then added the core style to fit this current feed.

And the final out come looks like this:

function attendee_feed_print_2009() {
 global $wpdb;
 include_once( ABSPATH . WPINC . '/rss.php' );
 $rss = fetch_rss( '' );
 $items = array_slice( $rss->items, 0 );
 if ( empty( $items ) ) echo '<ul style="list-style-type: none; list-style-image: none; list-style-position: outside;"><li>No items</li></ul>';


 foreach ( $items as $item ) : ?>
 <ul style="list-style-type:none; list-style-image:none; list-style-position:outside; margin-bottom: 0px">
 <li><!--<strong><?php echo $item[ 'title' ]; //User name ?></strong><br />-->

 <?php echo $item[ 'content' ][ 'encoded' ]; ?>

 <hr style="border: 1px solid #ddd; margin-bottom: 8px" />
 <?php endforeach;

Don’t forget to wrap the code in <?php ?>

I want to thank John Kolbert for helping me with printing the content:encoded portion.

See it in action:

Web Master

Hi, I am Miguel, I bought this site in 2009. So I now run or manage the site. Please visit my new website or follow me on twitter @W3i.

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