Guest Post

Understanding the Value of LinkedIn Social Link Sharing

Chances are you have a Facebook and Twitter account, but what about LinkedIn? Do you really need to add yet another social network to your to-do list? Yes. The truth is LinkedIn social link sharing can greatly increase readership and page views to your website. Let’s take a closer look at the value of LinkedIn social link sharing.

What Is LinkedIn Social Link Sharing?

LinkedIn social link sharing is simply the process of sharing links through LinkedIn. It’s very similar to Facebook, except with this social networking site, you have the ability for your links to be seen by professionals in your field. This can be huge for the freelance writer or any other online business. You can also choose for the links you share to be visible to everyone or just those that are in your contacts. Another great feature is the ability to share the message on Twitter at the same time.

Why Is It Important?

There are several reasons why LinkedIn social link sharing has become so important. First of all, as mentioned above, you’re connecting with professionals in your field. This means that people that actually want to see your content will see it. Another benefit is that the more people who like your content, the more shares you’ll receive. As more people share your links, the links appear on more websites. This means that there are more backlinks to your site. This is beneficial because it results in your website ranking higher on search engines.

How Can You Get Started?

Your first step is to set up an account with LinkedIn. You’ll be able to add contacts pulled from your email contacts and then you can link to other professionals once your account is set up. The key is to not flood your page with links to your own site. Actually, in the first few days, you want to work with sharing content that is related to your business and sharing the content of others. Once you do start to add your own links here and there, people will be more apt to share your links in return. The important part is to stay active on the site and create more and more connections, which will lead to more link shares.

LinkedIn may not have the same fun environment that Facebook does, but the professional atmosphere makes it a great place to build your business and connect with those in your field. In other words, you can’t afford to have a LinkedIn account and participate in social link sharing.

About the Author: Carey Peight loves to use sites like Twitter, Facebook, and LinkedIn for sharing links and social listening projects. The more you pay attention to current trends, the easier it will be to create content your readers want and need.

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