For many people, one of the most important choices they will make during their lifetime is choosing which college to earn a degree from. Even though small and large colleges each have their advantages, larger ones most definitely have their disadvantages too. Let’s take a close look below at why it is a good idea to steer clear of studying at a large college or university.
1) Classes are Too Large
When studying at a large college, students often find themselves in classes with hundreds of other students. This is much unlike a smaller college, where class sizes usually stay under 50 students. When in large classes, students do not get the opportunity to ask questions as they do in small classes. Also, professors of large classes rarely get to know their students because there are too many.
2) Teaching Done by TAs
Many large colleges have a variety of courses taught by TAs. TA’s are not ‘dumb’ in the knowledge they teach; however, they are often beginners and very inexperienced. Learning from TAs often means that students will not be provided an in-depth learning experience. For the amount of money paid to go to college, students should always seek to be taught by professors who have many years of experience under their belts; this can be found at most smaller colleges.
3) No Freedom in Degree Curriculums
Most larger colleges have strict degree curriculums that students must adhere to. In fact, students are almost never entitled to take courses that do not fall into a particular degree curriculum. At smaller colleges, students are provided flexibility in the courses that can take. Some even allow their students to design their own majors.
4) Little Communication with Professors
Because professors at large colleges teach hundreds of students, sometimes thousands, on a weekly basis, it becomes quite impossible to communicate with a professor on a regular basis. Some professors require that students only visit them during office hours, which sometimes is only one time a week. Waiting in line at the professor’s office can sometimes take hours. When going to school at a small college, students are better able to speak with their teachers on a consistent and frequent basis.
5) Little Coursework
Many large colleges limit the number of papers that students write and submit because professors simply do not have enough time to read through and grade hundreds of students’ papers every week. With little or no coursework, students’ final grades are almost completely derived from their grades on mid-term and final exams. On the other hand, at small colleges, students are able to sharpen their skills and improve their overall grades by turning in several papers during a semester.
6) No Personalized Attention
When attending a large college, even if a student is struggling with something, it is highly unlikely that he or she will be able to receive personalized attention from a professor. This can greatly cause a student to struggle with his or her grades. In fact, it can hurt so bad that it causes a student to be suspended or expelled. At a small college, students are able to receive one-on-one attention from instructors; thus, enabling them to obtain a deep understanding of the subjects they study.
Todd Browning is a college professor who has written an excellent and informative guide to the top online schools and degree programs.
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