I’ve updated the site to the latest release of WordPress. 2.8.1 fixes many bug found in 2.8 and I finally was ready for the update. While everything went smoothly, I did have to update my theme a bit to run some of the additional widget area.
Using the old style dynamic_sidebar( 'Utility: Header' );
didn’t work any more, while just replacing the Title of the widget area with the ID fixed this problem: dynamic_sidebar( 'utilityheader' );
I also came across a major error with one of my plugins. AsideShop just doesn’t work with and version WordPress greater than or equal to 2.8. Hopefully the author will come up with a fix, but since the plugin page only shows the plugin to be compatible with 2.5.1, I doubt it. I may try my luck at this fix.
You’ll notice some posts in full view for the time being, with out the simple “aside” styling.
Everything I have tried has led to nothing. And I have tried six way's from…
In the last post "Creating a custom widget" I showed you how to create a…
Today let's learn a simple quick trick on how to create a custom widget. For…
Here is a nifty trick for your comments.php template. If someone comes to your site…
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Funny enough, I've had asideshop installed on my blog for months and months, but never activated it. Wasn't ready for it just yet.
So today I upgraded to wp 2.8.1 and then began using asideshop and couldn't get it to work properly.
Glad to see I haven't lost my mind
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