Hey everyone, as you may have noticed I have a running on the site. While everything almost everything moved over smoothly, there was an issue with how my parent theme striped text in typography. This caused some plugins, like cformsII to not be allowed to print to the screen. Justin had helped to find a fix to filter the hybrid_typography
Originally this function filtered out and changed some text that would not validate as XHTML. This had to be removed by running a new function in the child theme’s function.php
add_action('init', 'remove_typography'); function remove_typography() { remove_filter('the_content', 'hybrid_typography', 11); }
Everything I have tried has led to nothing. And I have tried six way's from…
In the last post "Creating a custom widget" I showed you how to create a…
Today let's learn a simple quick trick on how to create a custom widget. For…
Here is a nifty trick for your comments.php template. If someone comes to your site…