Would you like a recipe, if it doesn’t contain salt? Of course not, as it is one of the most important ingredients of food. So does ‘Keywords’ for Search Engine Optimization. This is the reason, that researching keywords is very crucial for your online marketing, as this is the weapon that is used in all kinds of website campaigns. Research for keywords means that you’re actually researching about your customers, as in which potent words they have been using to reach you.
We have gathered a few methodologies for quick research of the suitable keywords and here you are:
Google AdWords is usually, the pit stop for the analysts to conduct research on keywords. Let us illustrate a search for a word called ‘shaving’ and see how does this tool work for us. On the left side of the screenshot, you can see a field called “All Categories”, this narrows down your navigation by providing you with certain categories you’re looking for. Once you’re satisfied with the search selection, go for downloading the keywords as CSV in Excel sheet format. You carry on this research with words, phrases, or even sentences.
After the CSV Excel file is downloaded, modify it so that you are left with two main important columns called ‘Global Monthly Searches’ and ‘Estimated Avg. CPC’. Now the question that arises is: how do these two columns help?
Global Monthly Searches
This column shows us the number of times this keyword was searched. If it was never searched for, then it is better you try out some other way to get a better keyword.
Estimated Avg. CPC
This column shows the commercial value of a particular keyword. The higher the value is, the more will be the worth of the keyword. This value is important for third-party businesses. But, if a site is selling its own products, then this column may not hold much importance.
Find your Rival Pages
Till now a good job has been done and you were confined to your province. This is not enough if you want to outsmart your rivals. Use each of the keywords procured by you, to find who your rivals on the search engine listing are. The most common search engine used for this purpose is Google.com. So go to Google, type the keyword, and hit search. This will give you the list of searches for the keyword. Few keywords may have fewer rival pages, which you have to find on your own.
If you go to the left side of the pane of Google, you can find the search tools, under that you get an option called “Past Week”. If you click on that, you get all the searches of last week which signals more significance and you can work accordingly, towards your online business goal.
These practices will give you a better idea of wrapping up with suitable keywords, which you need to pursue in order to generate business. Remember, if your website is targeting inappropriate keywords, then your company value will never rise in the online market.
-Authored by Sara Bruce. She is an SEO analyst and an avid blogger. If you come across any negative reviews about your Business/Services do visit our pages on ‘Remove negative reviews’ & ‘Remove rip-off reports’ to get rid of it.
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