Guest Post

Blogging is More Than Words- Top 5 Tips

The blog is a vogue for the new generation. Bantam leisure that gets you money and name just sitting back at home; there cannot be a better way to explain what blogs are. Blogs have made a big-fat entry in the market. It has hit all around the globe and is doing really well.

Blogs are the words given to the views of the commoners, but every time just a few well-framed words don’t do all you need. There are bigger things that upheld you in the reader’s choice list.

An individual voice does better wonders in words. And the same is the secret behind popular blogs. The voice behind your words not only attracts the readers also keeps them intact.

But are all the bloggers on the same acme, if yes then how, and if no then why? Blogs can only be a successful marketing tool is composed in a proper manner. So for the ones struggling back, it’s time to hit the market with better words. The below-mentioned tips will surely lead you high:

1. Update your Blog Personality

Don’t make your words grow complexities for the readers. Also, keep yourself an individual speaking behind your words so that it keeps your readers indulged. Make your personality through your words.

2. Be Persistent in Your Posts

“I love to read your blogs, but you rarely post” avoid this in your list of comments. In short, be consistent. Keep on updating your posts daily or maybe at least thrice in a week span.

3. Simplicity is the best

The secret behind known blogs is that they are simple to keep up the interest of their readers. It’s not necessary that the words should count big digits to be popular, rather make it simple–short-mind engaging. The words can be a collection of erratic thoughts or something latest in your industry. Just follow the formula.

4. Don’t restrict Comments

Never restrict comments. Comments are the best source you can know your popularity status. Also, you can improve your writings according to the views of your readers. You will also want to research and comment on relevant industry-related blogs. Then what is wrong to give your readers a chance to contact you for a better name.


5. Focus on Your Title

Tittles are the best traffic mobilizes. Never forget to make your title an attractive bizarre.  Not only do they draw the attention of their readers, also search engines entertain the blog titles well. But a good title doesn’t mean a long tail; just restrict it to 10 words.

Follow these set of tips and you may rank high, attract more readers, and grow with the flow of your words. And you’ll surely be loaded with appreciating comments.

-Authored by Sara Bruce. She is an SEO analyst and an avid blogger. If you come across any negative reviews about your Business/Services do visit our pages on ‘Remove negative reviews’ & ‘Remove rip-off reports’ to get rid of it.


Well been working with computers since the mid 80's and online since the late 80's early 90's so I am one of the older guys even though I am only in my early mid 30's ;) I feel alot older , I have worked in many different fields and am currently running companies in Mexico that both secure government contracts and Finance, have been involved in the finance part of many projects over the last few years and have so far been succesfull in all endevors, don't get much free time but when I do I would like to start rebuilding this site that I bought from Austin,since I am not a programer I will probably be writing about all kinds of things wordpress, security, seo, marketing, making money online, hosting, news, technology, bussiness, social networking and what ever comes to mind, when ever I get the chance to blog

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