Here is a simple way to call query_posts with an array of options. For all options you my use visit:…
Looking to add a favicon to you site? Inside your WordPress theme's functions file (functions.php) add the following to inside…
Wow, have you heard? WordPress has announced that the newest version, 2.8 which was thought to be held off till…
I just came across this article over at WPLover. Was very good, especially since I just released my first WordPress…
Today has released an update to his Hybrid Theme. Version 0.5.1 can be found at the WordPress theme repository.
If you've downloaded the Swekey plugin and plan on using it for users to login here is what you might…
Anyone in the Los Angeles area? Well the first Sunday of the month is the LAWPUG, and since the weather…
Steam is powerful, hot, and painful. It can move trains, boats, and has driven minds crazy with the power of…
I received a Swekey in the mail this week. What's a Swekey you ask? Like regular keys protect your car…
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