At the time of writing this post I have Theme Hybrid as my parent theme, and am using a custom version of Hybrid News that Justin Tadlock offers to the public.
Well I want to tell you how you can add additional custom meta boxes to your child theme’s running the Hybrid Theme.
In your child function.php
file just add the following to create a new post meta box:
/** * Add additional post meta boxes * * by WPCult */function wpcult_post_meta_boxes($meta_boxes) { $meta_boxes['image'] = array( 'name' => 'image', 'default' => '', 'title' => __('Image:'), 'type' => 'text', 'show_description' => false, 'description' => __('Please use a full size image, larger than 500px (this photo will dynamically re-size itself!'), ); return $meta_boxes; } add_filter('hybrid_post_meta_boxes', 'wpcult_post_meta_boxes');
This will create a custom meta box called Image, and will create a custom field with the id of image.
Additionally you can create this on pages as well by copy/paste and replacing “post_meta_box” with “page_meta_box” every where inside the function.
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