Are you currently looking for a place to create your own blog? Do you already have a theme in mind that you would want to use in your blog? Have you already decided on who’ll be the target audience of your blog? If your answer to all these 3 questions is yes then it’s time for you to start a blog using WordPress.
Before you could even start with your blog, there’s one thing that you need to do first. You need to determine how much knowledge you have when it comes to web design. This is important because if you only have a bit of knowledge when it comes to web design, there are other websites that you could use like Blogger. WordPress is a bit more complicated than Blogger but that doesn’t mean that you can’t learn how to use it.
The point is, Blogger is easier to use since everything is already set up for you and the only thing that you need to do is edit your profile then you could immediately start posting. However, since everything is already set up for you, if you decided to customize your blog, you only have limited sources that you could use unlike in WordPress, which has a wide variety of customization. Not only do you have a wide variety of customization, but you also have a wide variety of themes that you could choose from. There are a lot of great themes that you could use for free. Yes, you read it right. For Free.
When you finally determine your knowledge when it comes to web design, you could finally start working on your blog. Do you have any idea how to create one? But before you answer that, do you already have an account in WordPress? If you don’t have one then now is the time for you to sign up. You need an account before you could start a blog.
When everything’s all set, you can now start with your blog.
Besides themes and widgets, WordPress still has a lot to offer like adding another page to your blog. You can add as many pages, as you want as long as it won’t have a negative effect on the overall look of your blog. There are some blogs that added too many pages that it made their blogs look messy.
Be creative and make it simple.
Author’s Bio
Roger Pahuriray is an SEO Specialist who’s had extensive experience in the Outreach Program. This time he brings his extensive SEO expertise to Pin Agency where he tackles articles on Internet Marketing with suggestions on Web Design Agency. The articles he posts will surely be informative and comprehensive especially for individuals who are looking to increase their understanding of the internet and its function in the present market. As an SEO Specialist for, he works full-time catering to an impressive pool of clients like CasaNuevoVida.Com, SweetSweat.Com, PrintAndMail4U.Com, and Aretedi.Com among many others.
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